I am repairing a computer for a friend and he tells me hes got a virus on his computer. Now this is a Dell Inspiron 1750 laptop with an Intel 500gb harddrive and a 2.26 core 2 duo processor 4 gigs of ram and all the cute features that come with dell. The virus has control over the anti virus software (ESET for the fail), the internet, Microsoft updates, and pretty much every aspect of the computer. Now I cannot load anything in windows 7 x64 even in safe mode because the virus forces the computer to recognize all .exe files as "incompatible" with the OS (I tried x32 and x64 version of the antivirus and every other .exe). I say F it and load windows into safe mode and try the account switch and delete trick and it didn't work. I try to reinstall windows 7 but format was unsuccessful, I run Hiren's bootcd and load all the partition managers deleting and confirming delete of all partitions and reformatting them successfully to ntfs with nothing on them and I restart to find windows 7 alive and well. I run DBAN and it finishes with "non-fatal errors" which means it didn't work. I have tried everything, forcing it to update, partitioning, nuking, and forced virus scans (which either end in a crash or in corruption of the anti-virus but mainly just not starting due to compatibility issues). I have tried running everything on Hirens so I need some fresh ideas. Has anyone had my problem?