Virus please help now "win 7 home security 2012"

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Jun 26, 2010
was playin battle field 3 and went looking on a sight about dogtags and then all of a sudden this "win 7 home security 2012" *** started opening up saying my firewalls where turned off and when i closed out and went to control pannel to check on them it only poped the security thing back up then it sayed i had a trojan and started a loading bar so i shut down.

then i rebooted and tryed to run malwarebytes but it wouldnt let me it just tryed to start it and never did so i started in safe mode to try malwarebytes again and the same *** happened and the security virus thing poped up.

im on a different laptop now so how the hell do i get rid of that *** and y wont it let me run malewarebytes
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