Viruses in data


Oct 14, 2013
So now finally the whole laptop/windows 7 thing has been cleared. Alls well that ends well! But, my parents have had viruses on their computer. I didn't happen until I had a big list of custom content for sims 2, which might be the cause. I want to transfer that data to the laptop but is it safe?

Do it this way if possible this will give you a drastically easier time finding what you're brining over and reduces the chance of you accidentally giving yourself the bug again. Just plug up the USB stick, right click it in the my computer part and scan it for viruses... I would probably scan the USB drive with every malware/anti virus/anythingelse I had before I brought it onto my computer. Death is correct brining it onto your computer won't hurt it, but I would check it before so you can't accidentally run it.

Do it this way if possible this will give you a drastically easier time finding what you're brining over and reduces the chance of you accidentally giving yourself the bug again. Just plug up the USB stick, right click it in the my computer part and scan it for viruses... I would probably scan the USB drive with every malware/anti virus/anythingelse I had before I brought it onto my computer. Death is correct brining it onto your computer won't hurt it, but I would check it before so you can't accidentally run it.