Hello TomsHardware, i have an 3-4 years old Vision NB588.
The problem is my keyobard is broken in it (DARN!)
So i need to order a new one, and i have found a keyboard!
Only thing i need to know if anyone can help me change it, f.x pictures of a video!
But i only can find a link from Denmark.
I don't know if it's selling in other countries!
I hope anyone can take time to help me so i can do this right and don't break anything!
The problem is my keyobard is broken in it (DARN!)
So i need to order a new one, and i have found a keyboard!
Only thing i need to know if anyone can help me change it, f.x pictures of a video!
But i only can find a link from Denmark.
I don't know if it's selling in other countries!
I hope anyone can take time to help me so i can do this right and don't break anything!