VisionTek’s Radeon RX Vega 64 Graphics Card Is Now Available

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Why would anyone buy this piece of junk? Same price as the 1080 TI and uses way more power and way less performance.
yea I am an AMD guy and I am getting a 1080ti I am officially over AMD and their CRAP GPU's, few years back I jumped ship from their CPU's market and got myself a 4790k I just delided that sucker and now get a stable 4.8ghz and never goes about 58C. AMD if you read this you need to get your sh!t together and stop lying to your customers about performance because when it comes time to prove it and you lied it pisses a lot of people off.
Why does everyone blame AMD for the prices?? They can not make them sell it for MSRP. Let your money do the talking by not purchasing one until prices come back to MSRP. The card is 50$ cheaper if at msrp then the 1080 's with same performance and will do better as dx12 and Vulcan games come out.
happybot1337, you have to have a dedicated 300 watts for non boost and more for when it boosts so why would anyone want this and DX12 is dead in the water and every game I have played dx12 on with my current AMD card it kills the performance and reliability of the game like BF1 DX11 outperforms it all day long. Vulkan is literally only in 6 games what makes you think Microsoft is going to allow that to change much. Also Nvidia gains from Vulkan as well Nvidia hasn't dedicated much optimization to it because it is in NO games worth a crap DOOM sucks sorry boring as hell and multiplayer is weak it will never beat csgo, leagues, or PUBG in user base which all those are dx11.

Also actualy MSRP is $100 then what they stated because they included an auto discounted coupon that is now expiring a week later or have you not been paying attention. so vega 56 will now cost $500 from now on and 64 will cost 600 and 64 liquid will cost no less then 750 and the heat these things produce is ridiculous I have watched every reviewer on the mater and its a joke AMD isn't going to be worth it until Navi so long as they don't keep making the same mistakes they been for years. Volta is already done but NVidia doesn't have to release it until navi and they wont because AMD dropped the ball yet again.
I'm so irritated that I waited for this major disappointment as I use to be AMD exclusive since Athlon 1ghz still have that slot CPU, it will be worth some money some day lol. CPU side of things they came close but their prices are just right unlike their GPU side it doesn't make any sense as hbm2 underperforms for games but awesome for compute but who in their right mind is going to buy a gaming card for compute, seriously who I sure as hell wont I want 144fps on 1440p and you literally can only get that on an OC 1080ti you cant even overclock a vega as it doesn't gain much performance at all but sure grows in wattage use.
lol this GPU was made using a Cell phone soc process. 14nm LPP (Low Power Process) and this thing still uses 450w

I don't know why AMD every thought it was a good idea to use a Low Power Process on a high performance GPU
I can tell you that I want my product to sell for $500 all day long, but if a reseller wants to, I have little I can do about them jacking up a price. I don't remember the same outcry when demand forced nVidia cards to be $200+ over MSRP.
People seems to have forgotten the law of Economics here. When Demand is High, and Supply is Low, Prices for things will Increase as a result. That's why we're seeing $600-700 Air-Cooled Vega GPUs right now. And with Aftermarket versions of Vega 64 Unlikely to be out until Next Month, It's no surprise that Vega's Release has been a big mess.

So if you want to diss on AMD By getting the GTX 1080 or 1080 ti, get it for all I care. Feed NVIDIA's Monopoly Mentality. In the end, I'm a patient man, and Likely will try out Vega 64, Especially with my 1080p 144hz Freesync Monitor.
My next system will have Vega, though probably the 56 version. The problem here is that a lot of people jumped on Vega right away, because, despite its tepid game performance, it is a value for a lot of other tasks. For professional work it acts like a $4000 Quadro. For mining, with a few tweaks, it will be efficient. For AI and deep learning it is in a class all of its own.

As with Ryzen, just because it isn't balls to the wall gaming, doesn't mean it isn't a good product. AMD has done a commendable job lately making 'jack of all trades' hardware. It saves them money and gives the consumers a single product stack to look at and decide where they want to be. On top of that, performance per dollar has been outstanding, not for gaming but for productivity. In the end we should be happy that products designed to gain market in professional spaces provide decent gaming capability as well. As long as AMD is in the game, we all win.
Wish the links back into the forums was fixed. (Previous comment on this story didn't even put it into my forum watch list, unlike the one where Intel's leaked packaging for Coffee Lake that was yanked back out.)

Wish voting at this point here was fixed.

While I applaud the changes to security, breaking/removing functionality turns people off. It's the main reason why I abandoned Opera... they dropped features they haven't even put back in place yet today that were actually used.

Nvidia's monopoly mentality? Where? Where have they tried to shut AMD down? :ange:Certainly not at the low and mid-range level where AMD has dominated for a while in the "best buy" segment. Maybe by building better high end GPUs? That's superior competition, not a "monopoly mentality.

I'm sorry pal, but I'm not going to spend more money on less performance compared to a factory overclocked GTX 1080. And I won't even bring into the horrid 80% higher power consumption either compared to a 1080 (and never mind we are talking near GTX 1080 Ti pricing here). I'm not going to spend more for less to "teach Nvidia a lesson." Let's also not forget that the drivers are still not up to snuff (after a YEAR of working on Vega? Seriously AMD???) and Intel's GTX 20xx series Volta is coming out in 4-5 months.

Actually the problem here is that the AMD excuse makers seem to have forgotten that the RX 64 was marketed as a consumer level gamer's card, not a workstation/productivity GPU, just like all other RX and R-series cards of the past. You guys can make all the excuses you want, but the RX 64 is a pig. The RX 56 is a much better proposition going up against the 1070, but again, at what cost? More power and almost no overclocking headroom. Again.
I really wouldn't want to get a current Pascal. But then again I also use my computer for 3D work. Pascal falls on its face when having to do heavy calculations. It was optimized to render frames. AMDs cards are more general purpose. The only equivalent would be the Titan XP that nVidia does a terrible job supporting. So for me, I have to get AMD unless nVidia changes its prospects with Volta.
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