I can't find any comparisons of the 2 brands, especially regarding the 285 series. I like the newer gnc hardware, Both are in my price range.
The Sapphire (I think this is the high end version) http://
The Visiontek http:// Here is JayzTwoCents' review http://
I'm too cheese brained to understand all of the specs (Newegg's specs ain't what they used to be anyway), so hoping one of you can see which one is the better card? BTW Leave the offer of the free games offered with the Sapphire card out of the equation please. Thanks.
The Sapphire (I think this is the high end version) http://
The Visiontek http:// Here is JayzTwoCents' review http://
I'm too cheese brained to understand all of the specs (Newegg's specs ain't what they used to be anyway), so hoping one of you can see which one is the better card? BTW Leave the offer of the free games offered with the Sapphire card out of the equation please. Thanks.