
Jan 26, 2007
Can someone confirm or answer a few of these questions?

Question 1) If I buy vista business “retail”, I can install 32 bit now, and just format and re-install 64 bit later without paying for a separate 64 bit license, correct?

Quesiton 2) I’ve read that the vista media is able to install different versions of vista, depending on the keycode you enter. Are they talking about OEM vs Retail w/ different codes, or 32 bit or 64 bit w/ different codes, or something else?

Question 3) I’m being lazy, but are there any programs that can automatically check if there are 64 bit drivers for my system. Sort of like the /checkupgradeonly switch with 2000 and xp. Or should I just start checking manually?

Question 4) If I install a 64 bit OS now, I can still install 32 bit apps on top of the 64 bit vista, correct?

Question 5) I have a 64 bit capable sempron. Can I install a 32 bit OS, plus Virtual Server on the physical 32 bit machine. Then, can I install a 64 bit 2003 Sever and 64 bit Exchange 2007 inside a virtual machine?

Thanks for any help


Jan 27, 2007
I am also seeking the same answers.

Also, I cannot confirm this, but I have heard elsewhere that the DVD versions have both the 32bit and 64bit version on them (which might indicate that 32bit software won't work with it... but there's always a slim margin of hope that someone at MS has a brain and understands their customer's needs).


Sep 30, 2006
Can someone confirm or answer a few of these questions?

Question 1) If I buy vista business “retail”, I can install 32 bit now, and just format and re-install 64 bit later without paying for a separate 64 bit license, correct?

Quesiton 2) I’ve read that the vista media is able to install different versions of vista, depending on the keycode you enter. Are they talking about OEM vs Retail w/ different codes, or 32 bit or 64 bit w/ different codes, or something else?

Question 3) I’m being lazy, but are there any programs that can automatically check if there are 64 bit drivers for my system. Sort of like the /checkupgradeonly switch with 2000 and xp. Or should I just start checking manually?

Question 4) If I install a 64 bit OS now, I can still install 32 bit apps on top of the 64 bit vista, correct?

Question 5) I have a 64 bit capable sempron. Can I install a 32 bit OS, plus Virtual Server on the physical 32 bit machine. Then, can I install a 64 bit 2003 Sever and 64 bit Exchange 2007 inside a virtual machine?

Thanks for any help

1) You are correct, the retail versions will come with the 32 bit & 64bit versions
2) To my knowledge, every Vista disc has every version of Vista on it but the key it comes with determines the version that you'll be allowed to install on your system
3) If you go to Microsoft's website there is an Vista Upgrade Advisor that scans your system to see if it'll be compatible with Vista but the only 64 bit drivers you'll need will be for:
a) USB keyboards or joysticks
b) USB mice
c) Video card drivers
d) Sound card drivers
4) You can install 32 bit programs on Vista x64 without a problem. I believe it just puts them in an x86 program files folder.
5) Sorry I don't know too much about Virtual PC


Jan 27, 2007
I have a killer system that is just waiting for me to install an OS, are you absolutely sure about the 64bit version being backwards compatible with 32bit apps?



Sep 8, 2006
I have a killer system that is just waiting for me to install an OS, are you absolutely sure about the 64bit version being backwards compatible with 32bit apps?
Per Microsoft, they do not guarantee support with all 32 bit apps on the 64 bit platform. They may run, but it all depends on if the app was written closely with the current MS programming standards (many don't comply but still work on XP). Also, MS states that you will not see a performance increase for 32 bit apps on a 64 bit OS (which makes sense) and you may even see a possible decrease in performance because of the limited environment it will be run in, so 64 bit doesn't make sense if you are using 32 bit apps exclusively.


Sep 8, 2006
It's a little more than the installation code. The 64bit treats kernel calls and registry touches differently, which allows it to be much more friendly, secure and stable for other apps running at the same time. Most XP apps don't do most of those things and are non-issues, however I have found a few 32bit apps that my corp. has that work on Vista 32, but completely breaks on Vista 64. Apparently, companies like Quicken are facing similar issues. Microsoft's response has been less than stellar - use 32 bit unless if you have an app that has 64 as an absolute requirement. No real or suggested fix for the issues yet.


Sep 11, 2004
I actually only had 1 game that wouldn't install on Vista 64 RC1 and all my software that I use did without a hitch. I switched back to XP because I bought a 8800 and at the time no Vista drivers were available. I will more than likely buy the 32 bit version for now but I'm waiting for improved video drivers and of course some DX10 games to make it worth it.


May 23, 2005
1)So for gaming PC there is no any reason to have 64bit Vista. Is it correct? What about memory limitations?

2) Does the retail version include possibility to install dual boot? (32 and 64 bit version).


Sep 11, 2004
I agree that the memory limitations will lead to the 32bit's demise. That is why I think the 32bit version of Vista is a temporary OS until 64 bit really takes off. I still think that is probably 1 1/2 to 2 years away.
From what I have been reading it appears that the DVD has both versions on it but your key code designates which one you can install but I don't know for sure.


May 23, 2005
From what I have been reading it appears that the DVD has both versions on it but your key code designates which one you can install but I don't know for sure.
My question is more along the lines:

1) Do I have to buy 2 licenses if I use dual boot?

2) Is there anything on DVD to help to install the dual boot? Or do I have to use third party software for dual boot installation and handling?


May 31, 2008
I just recently installed Vista ultimate 64bit using my Vista Ultimate 32bit code.

I just rebuild my computer and went for more ram, and thus 64bit clean install on new SSD.

My brother had a 64bit version of ultimate already. I had a 32bit only cd, I borrowed his x64 cd, and used my 32bit code just fine.. Activated it with no issues.

It works!