Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.general (
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On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 11:21:06 -0700, Donald L McDaniel
<> wrote:
Jeeze Calm Down Donald eh
Its a wind up, I was suspecting a very clever troll surely nobody is
dumb enough to ask for a Vista Beta crack on a M$ NG. I reckon anybody
that dumb will actually e mail M$ asking for a copy or pound the
streets trying to get one out of a dealer which would be quite funny
so either way it don't matter.
I have seen Vista about at various software developers and web
designers, legit or no I have no idea but these people are likely to
be official beta testers and I have had a good poke around at various
Besides which its not all that hard to come by if you want it is it?
Personally I have enough trouble keeping my clients from destroying XP
without f**king about with beta versions of software they absolutley
are not going to upgrade to until hell freezes over, I have just got
the last 98 SEs replaced FFS. I will get an copy as soon as I can have
a legit one and still have 10 years to figure it out before anybody I
deal with even mentions upgrading.
Besides which one good troll deserves another.
>On Sun, 04 Sep 2005 23:39:12 +0100, Jonah <> wrote:
>>On 4 Sep 2005 11:25:16 -0700, "CFran" <> wrote:
>>>Has anyone managed to activate Vista Beta 1 with any crack? I tried
>>>about 3 different cracks in safe mode (since the 30 days period was
>>>expired), and none of them worked. Has anyone succeeded in cracking
>>>Vista's WPA thing?
>>yeah I got Vista Beta 1 with a good serial.
>>I went to several local computer shop and said very politely "do you
>>have a copy of Vista Beta I can have a play with?"
>Any such copies distributed illegally are themselves ILLEGAL.
>Microsoft's Beta agreement requires a NON-DISCLOSURE agreement between
>Microsoft and the one receiving an official Vista Beta. This
>agreement does NOT allow them to distribute copies of Vista, nor does
>it allow the man-on-the-street to have them in their possession. You
>dont even have to have it installed on your machine. All that is
>necessary is to have the Vista installation package saved on a hard
>drive or DVD (even a harddrive not installed in any machine.)
>If Microsoft wanted to, they could easily track your IP down and SUE
>your pants off, or even have you charged with THEFT of unlicensed
>software or worse, such as industrial espionage.
>Asking about cracks of their software on a MICROSOFT-owned server is
>tantamount to admitting your guilt. Coming right out and PROCLAIMING
>that you have an unofficial copy of Vista is an EXPRESS ADMISSION of
>guilt, and may be used in court as proof of your guilt.
>Of course, the one who supplied you with the unofficial copy of Vista
>is JUST AS GUILTY as you are.
>Until Microsoft releases a build of Vista which is intended for the
>general public (such as RC1 and RC2 of XP were), ANY copy you have of
>it is totally illegal, and CANNOT be licensed.
>>Eventually one said "sure - no problem come back tomorrow".
>See above, where I tell you that he is just as guilty as you.
>>Next day I had Vista Beta.
>This makes him COMPLETELY GUILTY of theft or industrial espionage.
>>WTF do you need a crack for just go and ask somebody in the industry
>>for a copy, its not top secret or anything its being distributed to
>>people for evaluation and development, also its a beta version so put
>>it on something other than your main machine assuming you are bright
>>enough to "socially engineer" yourself a copy in the first place.
>>I bet if you e mailed the right person at MS and asked for a copy with
>>a good story they would send you one themselves.
>Any software obtained under false pretenses is just as unofficial as
>one obtained from a local technician., and adds another CHARGE to the
>list of criminal offenses one may commit with such an aquisition --
>the charge of DEFRAUDING Microsoft. Theft, industrial espionage,
>fraud...WHEN will you ever get out of jail?
>Man, you're looking at HARD TIME in the Federal Prison system, not a
>weekend in the local lockup with a few smelly street people and drunks
>sleeping it off in the 'Tank.
>>Besides which I think you should stick to XP Home until you are
>>advanced enough to know where and what to post on usenet.
>Good advice...Even better, stick to MSDOS 3.1, and stay off the
>I hope that I DO scare anyone who reads this post. Fear is the
>beginning of Wisdom. It is always a wise course of action to obey
>Caesar, unless he is trying to turn you away from God.
>Donald L McDaniel
>Please reply to the original thread.
>If you must reply via email, remove the obvious
>from my email address before sending.