Hello to all. I recently plugged my ATP 150X 2gb SD card via an a card adapter to my vista pc. It politely asked me if it could use the open space to speed up its memory. (The led indicates non-stop a activity) I tried this with my smaller Kingston 1gb usb 2.0 stick and it said that it tested it and found it not fast enough. Since Cosair is offering V-Boost sticks of 1gb 2gb and 4gb capacity is there a sweet point? Although there is no cure like having more true system memory my understanding this is to speed up swapping between the system and the hard drives when they have to seek out really small files of <4 kbs ie speeding up random reads. Would this burnout the flash memory faster? or would a dedicated stick be better assuming its built for this stress? Certain activity has sped up a bit and it seems a useful tweak. Thanks