Vista folder and desktop locations fail to save setting..


Oct 3, 2013
I am running windows vista 64 bit. I have had this problem since I can remember and have taken multiple stabs at it through google and different forums..

Problem is anytime i move my folders on desktop to position I want them they return after I restart the computer. They all go to the left side.

Also folder settings won't save. Such as changing everything to Icons instead of list mode. It just resets after I close the box.

I hear its a registry entry error but I don't know much about that or ways to fix the problem..


Explorer (explorer.exe) is the program that is the Start menu and taskbar, folder windows, and the desktop (which is a folder window).


To See if a Fix is Available

In Control Panel (and select Classic view in the left hand pane) choose Problem Reports and Solutions (type problem in Start's search box), go to Problem History, right click your error and choose Check For Solution.

You may also right click and choose Details for more info. Post those details here. The Fault Module Name is the important information.

If the problem affects Control Panel press Winkey + R and type wercon (or type it in a command prompt).


Close Explorer and Start a Command Prompt

Close any Explorer windows
Start - All Programs - Accessories - Right click Command Prompt and choose Run As Administrator.
Click Start. Ctrl + Shift + Right click a blank spot (just above the power buttons is one place) then Exit Explorer.
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete then Task Manager.
Check all explorer processes are closed. On the Process tab select explorer and right click and choose End Process, repeat if more than one explorer in the list.

Then to restart explorer after trying each of the following

Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and choose Task Manager
In Task Manager click the File menu then New Task (Run) and type explorer


If You Can't Start Explorer at All

Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and choose Task Manager
On the Process tab click Show Processes From All Users to elevate to Administrator
In Task Manager click the File menu then New Task (Run) and type cmd
Other things you can try typing
Explorer c:\
Explorer /e,c:\

If you can't start a folder window use the Browse button in the New Task dialog. Remember you need to right click and choose Open rather than double clicking.


Reregister the Shell's Registry Entries

It's important that each command is sucessfull. If the command fails it means the file is corrupted and needs repair.

Close Explorer as above then type in the command prompt (or copy and paste by right clicking in the Command Prompt window and choosing Paste).

regsvr32 /i shell32
regsvr32 /i urlmon.dll
regsvr32 RPCRT4.dll
regsvr32 PROPSYS.dll
regsvr32 MSCTF.dll
regsvr32 cscui.dll
regsvr32 rsaenh.dll
regsvr32 timedate.cpl
regsvr32 ATL.DLL
regsvr32 OLEACC.dll
regsvr32 actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 USERENV.dll
regsvr32 msshsq.dll
regsvr32 NaturalLanguage6.dll
regsvr32 thumbcache.dll
regsvr32 WINTRUST.dll
regsvr32 MMDevAPI.DLL
regsvr32 audioses.dll
regsvr32 audioeng.dll
regsvr32 ExplorerFrame.dll
regsvr32 msi.dll
regsvr32 FirewallAPI.dll
regsvr32 netshell.dll
regsvr32 pnidui.dll
regsvr32 QUtil.dll
regsvr32 wpdshserviceobj.dll
regsvr32 WINHTTP.dll
regsvr32 QAgent.dll
regsvr32 PortableDeviceApi.dll
regsvr32 wbemprox.dll
regsvr32 wbemsvc.dll
regsvr32 fastprox.dll
regsvr32 imapi2.dll
regsvr32 wshext.dll
regsvr32 gameux.dll
regsvr32 msxml6.dll
regsvr32 vbscript.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 wshext.dll
regsvr32 wshom.ocx
regsvr32 wshcon.dll
regsvr32 scrrun.dll


Delete Folder and Menu Settings

This will delete the settings that are saved for each folder you visit. Also the Start menu order.

Close Explorer as above then type in the command prompt (or copy and paste by right clicking in the Command Prompt window and choosing Paste).

reg delete "HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell" /f

reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Streams" /f

reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects2" /f

reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder" /f


Delete The Thumbnail and Icon Caches

Close Explorer as above then type in the command prompt (or copy and paste by right clicking in the Command Prompt window and choosing Paste).

attrib -r -s -h "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\*.db"

attrib -r -s -h "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\*.db"

del "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\*.db"

del "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\*.db"


Turn off Thumbnails and Previews

Corrupted documents, and particularly corrupted pictures or videos, can cause Explorer to crash while trying to generate a thumbnail or a preview. This turns thumbnails and previews off.

If you can start Explorer, Previews is Organise on the command bar - Folder and Search Options - under Tasks frame Use Windows Classic Folders.

Thumbnails are Organise on the command bar - Folder and Search Options - View tab - and tick under Advanced Settings - Always show icons, never thumbnails and clear Display file icon on thumbnails.

If you can't start Explorer close Explorer as above then type in the command prompt (or copy and paste by right clicking in the Command Prompt window and choosing Paste).

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "IconsOnly" /t Reg_DWord /d 00000001 /f

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "ShowPreviewHandlers" /t Reg_DWord /d 00000000 /f

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "ShowTypeOverlay" /t Reg_DWord /d 00000000 /f

To turn back on after testing Explorer.

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "IconsOnly" /t Reg_DWord /d 00000000 /f

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "ShowPreviewHandlers" /t Reg_DWord /d 00000001 /f

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced" /v "ShowTypeOverlay" /t Reg_DWord /d 00000001 /f


A Clean Boot for Explorer

It might be caused by a shell extension.

Explorer (explorer.exe) is the program that is the Start menu and taskbar, folder windows, and the desktop (which is a folder window).

Explorer is built on addin programs called Shell Extensions. The standard ones are supplied by Microsoft but programs add their own.

Download Autoruns from
Close any Explorer windows
Start Autoruns by right clicking and choose Run As Administrator
Click Options menu - Filter Options and tick Hide Microsoft entries and clear Include Empty Locations
Go to the Explorer tab and untick everything left.
Click Start. Ctrl + Shift + Right click a blank spot (just above the power buttons is one place) then Exit Explorer.
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and choose Task Manager. Check all explorer processes are closed. On the Process tab select explorer and right click and choose End Process, repeat if more than one explorer in the list.
Click the File menu then New Task (Run) and type explorer

If it helps, reenable ½ at a time to identify which one. If it doesn't help, restart AutoRuns and go to the Everything tab and untick everything there and reboot. If it helps, reenable ½ at a time to identify which one.


Run Microsoft's Fixit

Microsoft have a range of automatic programs to fix common problems. For Explorer problems see

For the full list visit

When you choose to download it, choose the option to run on another computer. Then you can save it to your harddisk. Open the folder, open the folder Fix it Portable, and run Launch Fix It. It will contain all 27 Fixits.


Recycle Bin

If the problem affects the Recycle bin delete the storage folders. It will be automatically recreated next time you delete a file or open the Recycle Bin. It will delete the Recycle Bin, and files it contains, for all users.

Close Explorer as above then type in the command prompt (or copy and paste by right clicking in the Command Prompt window and choosing Paste).

rd C:\$RECYCLE.BIN /s /q

then repeat for each drive changing the drive letter, eg

rd d:\$RECYCLE.BIN /s /q

rd e:\$RECYCLE.BIN /s /q


If the Desktop Doesn't Start

This will create a new empty per user and common desktop. This will test if a file on your desktop is preventing Explorer from starting.

Close Explorer as above then type in the command prompt (or copy and paste by right clicking in the Command Prompt window and choosing Paste).

md "%userprofile%\DesktopTest"

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Desktop /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%USERPROFILE%\DesktopTest" /f

md "%public%\desktopTest"

reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v "Common Desktop" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%Public%\DesktopTest" /f

To set back to defaults after testing if Explorer now starts.

set ExpFix1=%User

set ExpFix2=Profile%

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Desktop /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%ExpFix1%%ExpFix2%\Desktop" /f

set ExpFix1=%Pub

set ExpFix2=lic%

reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v "Common Desktop" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%ExpFix1%%ExpFix2%\Desktop" /f

You may need to log off then on.


Missing New Folder Entry

If the above doesn't help.

Download NewFolder.reg from!121.

Click Start - All Programs - Accessories - Right click Command Prompt and choose Run As Administrator. Type Regedit and File menu - Import and import NewFolder.reg.