All you need is to do is make sure the install cd/boot cd is OEM activated, like lets say I have a Dell that came with Windows 7 Home premium.
I would need to find a Windows 7 cd with the version of windows that I wanted that is OEM enabled by that manufacturing company
so for my
Dell Windows7 - Home Premium OEM.iso /(I would need)\ Dell Windows7 - Ultimate OEM.iso
OEM's are custom key's that use a Root (wmic) Powershell X:0x00001 <----- hidden 1mb file on most new systems bios that activates the 100mb partition file on a Hard Drive to enable the OEM to auto activate.
OEM's are not made by Dell, Windows, HP etc. it is a private company that sells encryption firmware to Large manufactures for mass distribution of windows. It talks with the manufactures personal system recoveries, that 100mb windows safety partition, and to keep 2.1SLIC's (which is what activates Windows from it servers) able to activate the registered key.
When you buy a cpu, the manufacturer has no idea if you bought Home Premium, Pro, or Ultimate, they dont care. Unless you paid for extra $ when you ordered the pc to be ultimate rather then home. To expedite this effectively and efficiently they install the OEM to activate any version into the BIOS : )
Haven't you ever wondered why they don't ship windows disc anymore or reinstall software with a brand new pc or laptop? only a recovery disc? And somehow they can see all your system specs if you download there auto updaters, or online recoveries....
Believe it or not, but laptops can be traced using these. You can disable them....if you know how in the bios or flashing a modded one
but I digress
You CANT use a retail version because it wont activate the OEM (UNLESS) you place a X:boot/OEM1 into a Hard drive of your own( not the one that was purchased with or threw a cpu manufacturer but one you get at bestbuy, or online at amazon. The best is to use a WD external HD and pop it out of the plastic case. Your laptop must have recently flashed the most recent bios, then you can trick it into thinking its registered, by putting a new HD MBR using a UltBoot CD.iso (free on the internet) on the new HD purchased, external HD dont have one making them the easiest to utilize since you dont need to delete the old MBR or kill the disc back to 00 to get rid of that hidden X: partition. With the new HD/ new MBR inplace when you boot the PC the BIOS wont find the hidden X: partition company's put on it, will automatically bypass it and assume it was corrupted.
---DO NOT turn on automatic updates KEEP THE WIFI or LAN unplugged
------then go into start/
in box type cmd
MS-DOS box pops up
then type wmic
then is a whole list of commands using powershell to write in root level registries to the HD, then you gotta reboot and reinstall. Very long very hard for novice users, but for advanced users, its imperative for those of us who don't want to be traced or tracked.
Every new pc pretty much has a OEM, and every OEM is what ever you want it to be Home/Pro/Ultimate
You just need to find a OEM activated ISO Window7 or Vista CD from your cpu manufacturer Dell/HP use that same OEM company
Toshiba/ACER/Gateway/Lenovo all use the same OEM company - Even if its not for your pc, try it anyways you might get lucky, it might bypass and say ok this code is good enough. there all encrypted in 256-bit algorithms despite the code, inorder to communicate with systems HD's
I know this cause I was taken to court by Dell for unlocking there OEM/SLIC/BIOS/ and hidden X: partition so anyone can have whatever version they want without $$$ for it and delete Dell from tracing laptops. that's the way it should be.
Look it up, They discontinued my laptop cause of me the Studio1555. Sorry if this is rambled but in short....
[if] Dell Windows7 - Home Premium OEM.iso
then /{(I would need)}
=\ Dell Windows7 - Ultimate 64/32 bit<(32x86)> OEM.iso
BTW for anyone who wants to disagree, or write some crap back, don't say anything unless you have Slackware KDE/FreeDos subset or any UNIX subset system installed into your windows not a Virtual box, or USB boot or Dual boot, but a UNIX OS INSIDE the windows shell.... otherwise you don't know what your talking me, I have been messing/hacking/modding/ from hardware and software /programming cpus since I was 4 (26 now) and my dad put me in front of a Tandy from Radioshack DOS-DIR was all you needed to know. OK
You just need to find a OEM activated ISO with the version you want. BTW with a windows7 ultimate cd you can install whatever version you want from your cpu manufacturer. Ask around how to.
- InFamousD SithCoder