Visual artefacts when playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas


Aug 15, 2014
I get some pretty weird visual artefacts when playing Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Link to the pictures; http://
I have an XFX Radeon HD 7950 clocked at 1000 MHz core and 1420 MHz memory. I would believe that this is an overclocking issue, but when I return to the default clocks (900 MHz core, 1375 MHz memory, and yes, the card is factory overclocked) the artefacts are still there. I tried lowering the clock speed to it's official default 800 MHz core and 1250 MHz and the artefacts were still there. I tried lowering my GPU clocks to the extremely low speeds of 600 MHz core and 900 MHz memory, the artefacts are still there.
I have no idea what to do, I have looked it up, and I can't seem to find a solution anywhere. I have a friend who suffers the same issues, all I know is that he has a 7850 that isn't overclocked.
Sorry if this thread if poorly formatted or in the wrong category by the way, this is the first time I have ever used a forum.

Which confirms my solution further. San Andreas wasn't meant to be on a PC. It's gonna have problems. Nothing you can do.

Which confirms my solution further. San Andreas wasn't meant to be on a PC. It's gonna have problems. Nothing you can do.

Please read the edit I made to that post :)
This hasn't happened before until recently (roughly 7 months ago). Would you be able to offer an explanation as to why this has only started happening recently? I'm going to wait a day or two before giving you best answer because more people might offer solutions.

If it only happens on that game as you said, it could be corrupt graphic files for the game causing the problems.
I looked up "San Andreas PC Stretched Textures" on Google. Apparently, a whole lot of people are having this issue, and it's not just me. Since you're the only person who has offered help to me, you will get best answer.