Question Visual artifacts when alt+tabbing some games and Youtube etc. ---- is this normal ?

Aug 21, 2023
Computer Type: Desktop

GPU: ASUS Radeon ROG RX 6800 GAMING OC 16GB GDDR6 256 Bit

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 4.6GHz 35MB

Motherboard: ASUS PRIME B550M-K 4600MHz(OC) DDR4

BIOS Version: PRIME B550M-K BIOS 3002

RAM: ADATA XPG Spectrix D41 TUF RGB 8GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3200 MHz CL16 Ram

PSU: ASUS TUF GAMING 750B 750W 80+ Bronze 135mm


Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 11 PRO 22H2

GPU Drivers: AMD Driver - WHQL Driver Version: 23.7.2

Chipset Drivers: AMD B550 CHIPSET DRIVERS VERSION : - (I could't find the number)

Background Applications: DISCORD, Opera

Description of Original Problem; Visual artifacts that happen when I alt+tab. They can't be seen on OBS video recording and i have to record from my phone to be able to capture the artifacts. I started to notice them this week(5-7 days) and it's really annoying.


  • I clean installed the GPU And Chipset driver via AMD Website using DDU.
  • I tried other games and it still happens but in different location on screen.
  • I used a different HDMI cable and yet it's still there.

Some Examples;

Destiny 2 In Windows Fullscreen in happens when game loading itself but in gameplay i could't see anything. In normal Fullscreen i could't see any artifacts.

Bloonds TD 6 It happenes any time in any map.

Genshin Impact it happens but it's random i could't make it happenes again

Borderlands 2 and Left4Dead 2 nothing here i tried couple time and no artifacts here or i could't see any

Is this harmfull for pc ? What should i do?
Hi, thanks a lot for answering.
I would like to add that disabling MPO(Multi-Plane Overlay) fixed the problem for now but I don't know if it's harmful or not because 1 week ago everything was working fine without disabling MPO which I was using this pc nearly 8 months with defult settings.

The Monitor I'm using is : ViewSonic VX2476

The record from my phone in Bloons TD 6
(This game was 100 percent broken in this regard and anytime I alt+tab the visual problem happens in the same location that's why I'm trying to show the same place in both captures on the same map)

(Sorry I recorded at that time in Turkish Language but I'm saying the same thing and I'm trying to show the artifacts)

The record from OBS;

(The artifact normally shows for me on the screen at the same location which is top left and top right but in the OBS record there aren't any problems that I can see)
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curious. It could be MPO as that seems to have fixed it on other AMD GPU as well as on Nvidia. Its a windows feature. Part of direct X.

MPO supports using the original resolution to display gorgeous 2D art and UI elements, while drawing 3D scenes into a smaller and stretchable frame buffer. The stretching and composition of surfaces at different resolutions are automatically implemented by the system, and transparent to applications.

OBS mustn't see windows layers on its recording, its only thing I can think of as to why it doesn't show on it.


have you tried other adrenalin drivers? Could be a bug in the latest.
MPO doesn't have any requirements for drivers as such -
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I was using Amd 27.7.1 from the day it was released to yesterday and when I start to see the artifacts I was already using the same ver. without any problem.

I removed the undervolt I used and used the stock settings on 27.7.1 and nothing changed
I moved to 27.7.2 Yesterday same with Undervolt and with stock the visuals were there so I found the same Reddit post that you linked and followed and the moment I disabled MPO it was gone.

From my understanding, the OBS takes source from GPU and records from it, right? Is this why it's not showing on OBS?
From my understanding, the OBS takes source from GPU and records from it, right? Is this why it's not showing on OBS?
That would be my guess. Its not taking it from the desktop as such.

your driver versions are odd. the first number is the year, followed by month, then version. 27 seems too soon. I have a 7900xt, on 23.7.2

23.8.1 is out, I should update... now.

so its not the drivers to blame I guess. It mustn't happen on a lot of games.
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I'm really sorry, yes the driver year was wrong it should be like you said; 23.7.2, and the old driver 23.7.1

My only fear is that it's a hardware based error but I hope it's not.

Some games like Borderlands 2 or Left4Dead 2 didn't have any problem but my guess is that they using normal fullscreen which In Destiny 2 made the artifact gone when switched on.

It's weird that happened so suddenly and i couldn't find any info about this problem. The only thing i found was a reddit user that had the same problem and he told me the same thing; Turn off MPO.
Hopefully, it's a temporary problem.

Thank you so much for helping and sorry for bothering you, have a great day.
When I checked the update history it's mostly Microsoft Defender that got updated last week couple times and updates called;

This problem started to happen last week so I don't know which update could possible broke the windows if this artifact are software sided problem.
Hi, sorry for late answer.
Destiny 2 was Xbox PC Store but i downloaded the Steam ver. and played but got same result.

I'm updating the PC right now and see if it's get fixed if not i will try the way you said which removing .net updates one by one
Computer Type: Desktop

GPU: ASUS Radeon ROG RX 6800 GAMING OC 16GB GDDR6 256 Bit

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 4.6GHz 35MB

Motherboard: ASUS PRIME B550M-K 4600MHz(OC) DDR4

BIOS Version: PRIME B550M-K BIOS 3002

RAM: ADATA XPG Spectrix D41 TUF RGB 8GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3200 MHz CL16 Ram

PSU: ASUS TUF GAMING 750B 750W 80+ Bronze 135mm


Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 11 PRO 22H2

GPU Drivers: AMD Driver - WHQL Driver Version: 23.7.2

Chipset Drivers: AMD B550 CHIPSET DRIVERS VERSION : - (I could't find the number)

Background Applications: DISCORD, Opera

Description of Original Problem; Visual artifacts that happen when I alt+tab. They can't be seen on OBS video recording and i have to record from my phone to be able to capture the artifacts. I started to notice them this week(5-7 days) and it's really annoying.


  • I clean installed the GPU And Chipset driver via AMD Website using DDU.
  • I tried other games and it still happens but in different location on screen.
  • I used a different HDMI cable and yet it's still there.

Some Examples;

Destiny 2 In Windows Fullscreen in happens when game loading itself but in gameplay i could't see anything. In normal Fullscreen i could't see any artifacts.

Bloonds TD 6 It happenes any time in any map.

Genshin Impact it happens but it's random i could't make it happenes again

Borderlands 2 and Left4Dead 2 nothing here i tried couple time and no artifacts here or i could't see any

Is this harmfull for pc ? What should i do?
did you try Displayport?
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Hi, I barrowed a DP and tried it it's same, the moment turn on the MPO it's start to do it again.
Weirdly, today when i was using HDMI and MPO was off i saw visual artifacts but I could't take a record or screenshot. They are more rare than when MPO is on.

Windows doesn't let me delete updates and I don't know what to do now =/