[SOLVED] Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio Code?

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Randi Poling

Feb 19, 2014
I am looking to mess around with Python and was wondering. Is Visual Studio 2019 or Visual Studio Code more beginner friendly? I have poked around on their websites but still unsure. I will of course want to break out to maybe C++ or C#, and Java in the future so in everyone's opinion, which would be a good starting point?
You don’t even need either one to mess with python just install python from their site python.org however if you’re just messing with python visual code is what I would go with for now and they will suggest the proper additional tools that you will need and visual code will be able to install them and set them up automatically it’s a pretty good experience and I really like it. When I’m just messing with.net code or python or even auto IT All I use is visual code

If you were going to get into C++ and C# And I plan on doing a large project than you should consider Visual Studio community addition is free otherwise it cost money

Still I’ve written plenty of handy applications in C# using nothing but visual code. And these Utilities are cross platform support and run under Linux as well. I use .net core. you have to compile them once on each platform but they both run the same code
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