VLC aspect ratio is not right :( please help


Apr 12, 2015
I haven't made any changes to VLC player, and today somehow video displayed very small, thought it was just that particular file, but apparently it goes the same with other videos. i tried to change aspect ratio, crop, etc, did nothing but distorting the image. video image is fine with windows media and km player. please please help, i don't know what else to do. reinstalling it does not help 🙁 update: thank you so much, such wonderful forum, thankyou junkeymonkey for your help :)


so you have same problem 🙁 ? is this a glitch or something? 🙁 i really like vlc because it is almost unlimited what it can play, so happy with it... i haven't see anyone having this problem though in vlc forum 🙁
i would sooooo hug you right now if I could!!! didn't know they have even newer version, because when i check it says mine updated, and when reinstalling it gave me older version! thanks thanks thanks! system glitch that's all!

yes, i did not have any issues until today, and upgrading to 2.0.5 fixed that. I wonder why i got email saying my thread had been removed. read the rules, but i want to know so i don't make same mistake but email didn't say why 🙁 thanks again ! the most helpful forum ever! (maybe cuz i post in win7 forum? what should it be?)

installing 2.0.5 instantly solve my problem... wonder if it just a glitch? i had no problem yesterday.... pheww... i'm glad because so far vlc is my favorite media player