Voltage over CPU error..can't boot into BIOS


Jan 4, 2014
Hi there,

First off, I'll put my specs:

Motherboard - Asus P8H77 M Pro
Power Supply: Corsair CX500 (500 Watt)
CPU - First one bought: Intel i5 3350P 3.1GHz
CPU - New one: Intel i5 3330 3GHz
Memory: Kingston 4GB 1866MHz DDR3 CL9 DIMM HyperX
Hard Drives: 2x 80GB Maxtor
Keyboard - Logitech Media Keyboard - PS/2 connector



I'll try and describe (with pictures) whats happening. So A few months ago I bought a new CPU, Motherboard and RAM for my PC. Installed all of them and the PC worked fine for a few days. Then all of a sudden, it shut down on me and wouldn't give me any video output. So tried different graphics card and this gave the same thing. Narrowed it down to the motherboard (fans weren't starting). So sent it back and got a replacement (same model). Put this in and this time got an error saying "CPU over voltage error" (see screenshot). I have replaced my CPU to the i5 3330 model and this gives the same error (previous CPU didn't have onboard graphics, so the 3330 does have onboard). I have also replaced my PSU (Corsair CX500) and it happens still on this.

Another thing is that when it tells me to enter BIOS, I can't, I keep pressing F1, (or F2 or DEL on first boot screen) and it doesn't do anything. But there is a light on the keyboard to say it has power. I've never had a problem with the keyboard before.

I've tried resetting CMOS and still no luck.

Surely its not a 2nd faulty motherboard is it?

Any ideas?


Thanks for replying. I've just had a look at the sticker on the board it looks to say 1003.

Unfortunately I'm not able to take it anywhere to test and no friends or work colleagues have the same spec to test with. So it looks like my only option is to buy another board.

I'm going to try and see if I can return it, but the website I bought it from are notorious for denying refunds/replacements so may end up having to buy one again.

Thanks for the reply. I've just tried requesting an RMA from Asus, but as I didn't buy it from them, I am unable to. I put in my serial number and it says I have to contact the place I bought it from.