me88 :
Virtual Private Network.
You can connect to one end (your house and router), from somewhere outside.
Via an encrypted communication.
The only things that know what is going on is the two end points.
It works just like if it were two systems on the same internal LAN, except that one of them is external. Out there somewhere.
For instance, tomorrow, I will be using a VPN to connect to the network at my job. What I see on the system here is exactly like if I was sitting in the office, connected to the standard LAN.
Now...if you don't know what it is, why are you wanting to set one up?
i do have a good understanding of it, whats throwing me off is when it says you can access your network, does that mean i can use the same internet connection that vpn tunnel is connected to?
You need an internet connection at both ends of the tunnel.
For instance, sitting at Starbucks.
Starbucks WiFi...VPN tunnel....your home VPN and internet....out to somewhere.
The Starbucks WiFi sees only that you are 'connected'. Not the potentiality of what sites you may be connected to.
But if you are at Starbucks, and the sites you wish to go to are HTTPS, they can't see any traffic anyway. It's all encrypted.