VR Build, Thoughts?

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Dec 3, 2012
So I'm about to build a VR rig with a £2k budget this is what I've come up with so far:

ASUS Z170-A Intel Skylake SLi/CrossFire ATX Motherboard - Black - 128.99
Intel I5-6500 - 180.99
evga nvidia geforce gtx 1080 sc gaming - 485.47
corsair vengeance 2x8gb 3200mhz - 136.55
corsair vs650 - 47.5
samsun 850 evo 250gb - 84.97
wd blue 2tb - 61.41
Game max onyx rgb mid tower - 78.97
cooler master hyper - 28.05
AOC 27 inch - 204.97
oculus rift + controllers - 578.99

Just wanted to get a few thoughts on it and am very open to any suggestions!

good build, but if you are looking to do standing up moving around VR go for the HTC Vine because the oculus only supports sitting down because of the sensors that come with it, to do standing up with the oculus you will need to put money into a 3rd sensor and then you can do standing up vr

But the build will do VR like a charm

Woah good advice, dont know how i didnt spot that will look into the vive then, thanks

Np, the vr is a lot more money but I would say worth, they take a bit of setting up and a big-ish type room, enjoy!

Don't listen to that guy, he's dead wrong. I have an Oculus Rift and have been walking around my room this evening playing The Mage's Tale, tossing around fireballs and brewing up spells.

The Oculus Rift is significantly better value for money than the HTC Vive. More comfortable to wear, better controllers, better software. The Vive has a few advantages like a front-facing camera and that the base stations plug into power outlets rather than USB, but overall the Rift is at least as good and arguably better. And it costs less and ships with more bundled games.

The build you picked is okay, aside from the power supply which is rather low quality. A Corsair CX550M would be a better option. The Z170 motherboard with a locked CPU is a little curious, but at least it'll allow you to run the higher clocked memory. I would want to go with Kaby Lake or a Ryzen chip though. I'm not familiar with the case you picked, but personal preference is a factor there anyway. The CPU cooler is okay, but can be annoying to install. There are other good options with better mounting systems, such as a Cryorig M9i (or M9a for AMD CPUs).

either I have been lied too about in death research but idk, I was saying what I was told by many people "experts"

Well they clearly aren't experts, since the Rift supports it just fine.

well, you learn something everyday, thanks.

Yeah i spotted this as well after doing further research because i was sure id seen videos of people walking around with the oculus on.

Ah the CPU was a complete oversight hadn't thought about an unlocked one was more looking at prices, do you reckon the upgrade to a i5-6600k is worth it? £55 difference isnt too bad.


Hmm I would question that on anything but the launch titles and some of the experiences. You need good cpu and gfx cards to get a good experience in my opinion.

I have a Core i5-3450 and it's practically never the limiting factor for my system in VR games.
I suggest going for a 1070 instead. Quite a bit cheaper, and allowing you save some money and get a i5 7600K instead. But with that in mind, you'll need a Z270 motherboard to be able to use 7th Generation processors without BIOS updates.
Why I am suggesting these...
The i5 6600K gets to the likes of the i7 6700 when the i5 is overclocked. With 7th Generation CPUs having better thermal design you will get decent overclocks.
Z170 Motherboards can only use the 7th Generation processors if they are upgraded, meaning you need an older processor.

Now, the overclocked i5 should do great in Non-VR games and not bottleneck a GTX 1070. A 970 is good enough. (FOR VR)
A 1080 would be too much for VR. Go with a 1070 and you should get good frame-rates with and without VR, with the suggested processor.

You do need a good CPU enough to not bottleneck a GPU. And when it comes to gaming, clocks speeds of CPUs do matter quite a bit. i5 6600K stock clocks are 10-20 FPS less than i7 6700K stock clocks, while when overclocked, it reaches almost the same standards of the i7 6700K.

As I said, for current VR content even a Core i5-3450 is plenty.
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