kcarbotte :
zambutu :
kcarbotte :
irish_adam :
Surely then the solution is head tracking and a game pad where you only use one analog stick to move forward, back and strafe while head tracking lets you look around, you could have it so if your head moves past a certain point it also moves your character round.
Because actually moving around all the time seems a bit shit and will mean you only use your vr headset for vr only games and who's going to be making awesome high budget games for such a small amount of users? even if you did get big budget games you'll always be stuck in your little movable box and no matter how you come up with tricks, you'll never get the real free to roam games and maps we get these days
You're right, you won't get the free roam high-budget games, at least not for a while.
If you wan't a controller that moves you around, look to Oculus Rift, but you likely won't see any FPS games using that setup.
Certain game will work great with a game pad, others will need hand tracking, Vive games will often use a space you move around in.
VR games aren't going to replace standard games in the short term. They will mostly be very different experiences, developed solely for VR.
This makes me happy to sit and wait for the vr dust to settle before investing in one of these systems. the DK2 will be supported by many developers for at least a while.
I just feel that a 1440p version of dk2 released last year as a cv1 (for 400$) would have been the perfect transition into the high end kits they're bring out this year. Get the headset into more hands for the price, hard working developers could be selling their games already and Oculus could take their time perfecting their premium unit and releasing the touch controllers at the same time as "cv2."
I dunno, maybe wasn't feasible, but feels like a missed opportunity to me.
the retail release doesn't even have a 1440p screen. Those don't exist with 90Hs refresh rates, so that alone make your idea infeasable.
Also, the DK2 was nowhere near ready for primetime. If they released that as a final product, even with a higher resolution screen it would have fallen flat on its face.
Game develepers couldn't have released thier games already because they weren't ready. Software is one of the main reasons the hardware wasn't released at the tail end of last year. Games weren't ready yet. they needed more work.
What you see coming out in the coming months is the best that current technology can deliver at a price that consumers can actually afford if they want to. The better stuff will come.
Also, there's no need for Touch to come with the Rift. Not all experiences will need it, and most of the early ones don't take advantage of it. If people are complaining about Xbox One controllers, that would have set them right off. Not to mention it will raise the price of the kit by a quite a bit. I expect to see them priced at $200 or more just for the Touch controllers.
"the retail release doesn't even have a 1440p screen. Those don't exist with 90Hs refresh rates, so that alone make your idea infeasable."
It's of the opinion of many that DK2 or something close to it was the cv1 plan prior to the Facebook acquisition. upcoming CV1 specs are irrelevant to what we could have had released a year ago with off the shelf parts. A 1440p screen was in the note 4 just like the dk2 used the note 3 screen, glass face an all. 75hz and low persistence works great on DK2, 90hz is NOT REQUIRED, it's simply better. I do not know however, if the note 4 screen was offered to Oculus or could handle 75hz, who knows, they never said, but it would have been great.
"Game develepers couldn't have released thier games already because they weren't ready"
You don't know that as a rule. A developer has no incentive to release a game, or even a pre-release if the platform isn't even available yet. The lack of a cv1 is a principal reason for lack of content.
"Also, the DK2 was nowhere near ready for primetime. If they released that as a final product, even with a higher resolution screen it would have fallen flat on its face."
I completely disagree, providing a 400$ max cost, and for reasons already expressed. But, it's all moot now