G GraySenshi Reputable Apr 15, 2016 758 0 4,990 Dec 21, 2017 #1 Why is it so hard to find a vr headset for the pc all I’m finding is junk for wimp graphics of a phone
Why is it so hard to find a vr headset for the pc all I’m finding is junk for wimp graphics of a phone
Wolfshadw Titan Moderator Aug 3, 2006 28,371 1,591 133,290 Dec 21, 2017 Solution #2 The two main options are HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. -Wolf sends Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Sakkura Illustrious Aug 22, 2011 8,129 3 37,965 Dec 22, 2017 #3 There are also the Windows Mixed Reality headsets. But while they're newer and have some upgrades in certain areas, they are also generally lower quality than the Vive and Rift. Upvote 0 Downvote
There are also the Windows Mixed Reality headsets. But while they're newer and have some upgrades in certain areas, they are also generally lower quality than the Vive and Rift.