VR Help Please?

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Hello all,

Been a but behind on keeping up on this part of the tech, but I seen the latest 'setup' is a 'holodeck' style involving the cameras, a real life room to walk around in, etc. I am NOT seeking that level of VR.

What I am looking for is a simple heaset that does the following :

1) Turning my head in the VR replaces the move my view 'commands' the mouse does (aka I turn my head left = mouse slide left, turn my head up = mouse move forward, etc.)
2) Should be as fast (3200DPI + ) or faster responsiveness as when I use my mouse
3) I play 144Hz, the screen display equally should be as fluid in fast moving game play
4) Accommodate wearing glasses

While I just upgraded to KabyLake i7 (my specs in my profile) and got 1060 6GB, all previous specs show I am more than capable hardware to support this, my concern is GAMES. Basically my idea of a 'VR' headset replaces the screen and mouse movement function NOTHING MORE (having headphones built in is nice too or a mic, but I am not pushing it at this point); so it should be "universally compatible" for any game as I am just routing the video to a different 'display' and 'input' device. Is this a pipe dream? Does such a product exist? I would be using this from PUBG, Division, Skyrim Special Edition, and then when I decide to switch to Civilization or CITIES as much as when I am on Second Life.

At the outset I am NOT looking for the full HOLODECK sort of setup, just simple two main points as I outlined. Can someone point me where to look ? What models? Reviews? Pricing? Thanks!!!
1. Any VR headset does that. You even get an extra angle of rotation (mouse can rotate the view left/right and up/down, but VR as a minimum also lets you tilt your head).

2. Not really possible, as your neck becomes the limiting factor. And it just can't turn as far or as fast as you can with a mouse. Keeping the input lag very low is normal for VR, though, so it's easily on par in responsiveness.

3. Current VR headsets are mostly targeting 90Hz. PSVR does have a 120Hz mode, but it's not used much and the PS4 isn't really capable of 120FPS with decent graphics.

4. Depends on the size of the glasses. Some headsets have more room than others.

Just using a VR headset as a monitor replacement with rotational tracking is not particularly...
1. Any VR headset does that. You even get an extra angle of rotation (mouse can rotate the view left/right and up/down, but VR as a minimum also lets you tilt your head).

2. Not really possible, as your neck becomes the limiting factor. And it just can't turn as far or as fast as you can with a mouse. Keeping the input lag very low is normal for VR, though, so it's easily on par in responsiveness.

3. Current VR headsets are mostly targeting 90Hz. PSVR does have a 120Hz mode, but it's not used much and the PS4 isn't really capable of 120FPS with decent graphics.

4. Depends on the size of the glasses. Some headsets have more room than others.

Just using a VR headset as a monitor replacement with rotational tracking is not particularly great. I don't think there's any product that directly targets what you're talking about.

Universal game compatibility is problematic. VR headsets use lenses, which distort the image. The solution to that problem is for the game engine to render the image distorted in the opposite direction, so the lens distortion cancels it out and the final result looks right. Regular games are not set up to do that. Another problem is that tearing or V-sync input lag are both unacceptable in VR. Instead, various forms of reprojection are used so you are always seeing a regularly refreshed image with your head movements taken into account, even when the PC (or console) can't render a full new frame in time.

There are VR injection programs like VorpX that can hack regular games to run in a VR-mode, but it's clunky.
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