Since I switched CPUs in my build, my games have been stuttering pretty badly. Evidently my MOBO (970A-G43) has really bad VRM cooling. Does this mean I need to plug in some heatsinks? What should I do? And what does VRM cooling do?
The things talked about ( VRM etc.) are to the left of your cpu. Yours does not have a heatsink. If your cpu is an 8 core
you should have one especially for the FX 8320 and 8350. What cpu do you have?
You can try rigging a fan. Enzotech has heatsinks that you can use. Buy there is no guaranty either will work.
The things talked about ( VRM etc.) are to the left of your cpu. Yours does not have a heatsink. If your cpu is an 8 core
you should have one especially for the FX 8320 and 8350. What cpu do you have?
You can try rigging a fan. Enzotech has heatsinks that you can use. Buy there is no guaranty either will work.
The things talked about ( VRM etc.) are to the left of your cpu. Yours does not have a heatsink. If your cpu is an 8 core
you should have one especially for the FX 8320 and 8350. What cpu do you have?
8320. Thanks for the input that really explains a lot.