I just can't take these guys seriously anymore until they actually come up with a working and worthy prototype. I've seen them at numerous trade shows and each time I pretty much get excuses as to why it's not working, they show me the old stuff (that makes me dizzy, loses tracking and is blurry) with promises of what they are working on. At this point they seem to be bilking Canada of their money and not much more. They keep getting free adverts and articles on what they claim to be working on, but showing nothing that even comes close to competing. They want so badly for someone to take notice and fund them but no one is and the way the demo this HMD is part of the problem. I was there with some other high level funders and we all left disappointed with the device and the empty promises. I did not get to see them at the Vision Summit and I hope they are getting somewhere, but I think they've set such a bad precedent with past demos that it's going to be hard to get people to take notice again and that is too bad. Bertrand and the others seem like a nice group, well meaning, great ideas, but well meaning great ideas don't make the hardware work and excuses don't sit well with potential investors.