Vsync issues when gaming


Jan 14, 2016
when im playing games and turn on vsync it locks me to 58.9 instead of 59.9 fps creating a weird juttery effect. Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers for my rx 480 adn have gone into windows display settings to make sure it is set to 60hz not 59 hz refresh rate. An y suggestions on how to fix this issue other than getting a new screen as im getting a freesync monitor in a few months but dont have the money right now

The game plays properly but has screen tearing and if I cap the fps manually e.g. Through rivatuner I still get tearing
Not running more than one screen right? I've seen this cause V-Sync issues on Radeon setups before. Also, Have you tried running a game without Riva Tuner, something on Riva Tuner may be causing issues.

Additionally, try going to your Radeon Crimson Settings > Gaming Tabs > Global Profile > What settings do you have? Specifically Triple-Buffering (Enabled/Disabled) and V-Sync Profile (On, Off, Let App Decide, etc).

ive tried it without rivatuner/msi afterburner and it made no difference adn after i installed the newest driver fot my card i went inot global settings and the way it was was vsync off unless application specifies, open gl triple buffering off, power efficency off adn frame rate target disabled. Also when i went into radeon additional settings i found a thing that was on called ITC processing enabled should i leave it on or could this solve the problem turning it off. Also something intresting is that when i changed my refresh rate for monitor to 59 the vsync was at 58.9 like it should be and when i changed the refresh rate back to 60hz it was still stuck at 58.9hz so does that leave a hint to what the problem is

No, ITC Processing is a HDMI feature to help video be clear in fullscreen, it should't have any effect on your V-Sync issue. I would give Triple Buffering a shot if you want, go into the global settings and enable it see how it goes. Other than that when your in the games you play, some have refresh rate in the resolution for example some games might have 1920x1080 59Hz and 1920x1080 60Hz and this would be why your locked at 59 FPS. Just make sure you check on that as other than both these ideas i'm afraid i'm not sure. If it still doesn't work you could always try running a game on your CPU's Integrated Graphics (If it has it) and see if it is locked at 58.9 FPS still, because if it's not locked then there is something wrong with your Radeon drivers.

Funny enough i dont know how but i figured out what was wrong it was f.lux that caused the issue as soon as i disabled it my vsync worked perfectly so i found out i jsut have to close it when im playing games i have vsync on for

Very nice mate, happy gaming! :)