W10 Blue screen after OCing my CPU


Jun 28, 2016
Hi, I need your help. I have decided to oc my cpu i7 6800k with H115i on Asus x99 strix gaming but when I change the frequency to 4.2 MHz and the voltage to 1.35 v the blue screen comes, even though I did IntelBurnTest and it passed 10 tests in very high. I decided to increase the voltage to 1.4 to see what happens but also the blue screen comes. it only comes when I OC my CPU.

Is my CPU very bad and can't be overclocked or there could be something else that causes the blue screen?

my pc parts
i7 6800k
Asus strix x99
Asus GTX 1080
G.SKILL Trident Z 16g 8x2
windows 10 pro Version 1607
I've seen a lot of people complain about this motherboard. Apparently the BSOD problem comes from old BIOS version so you should try flashing a newer version. If that doesn't help you can return that board.

Thank you for your help
I will do that hopping it will fix the problem because returning is not an option