W2K Red Worm protection


Aug 20, 2001
I got Windows 2000 installed. I have not secured myself from Red worms. How do I do it and is it necesary to do it since im getting my internet signals from a W98 computer with 2 network adapters installed (One for Cable modem and one for LAN). Does Service Pack 2 help the problems?
Finally what is a red worm at what does it do? If I have got some worms in my machine what do i need to do? (format machine, virus detection etc.)???
The patch is easy to find along with the instruction on Microsoft's web site. Here is a URL to it:

<A HREF="http://search.microsoft.com/us/products/windows/windows-2000/Default.asp?so=RECCNT&qu=worm&qu=worm&boolean=ALL&btnsearch=Search&i=00&i=08&p=1&nq=NEW" target="_new">http://search.microsoft.com/us/products/windows/windows-2000/Default.asp?so=RECCNT&qu=worm&qu=worm&boolean=ALL&btnsearch=Search&i=00&i=08&p=1&nq=NEW</A>

Fisher of men<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by jc14all on 08/30/01 09:22 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
is it just me or is windows and IIS more holey than the proverbial swiss cheeze?

I'll respect your comments & opinions, even if i disagree with them, Provided you display maturity.
LOL...swiss cheez, how about peg-board. Well, Microsoft seems to think they now have the answer to there IIS sloppy code. Here is their lastest fix:

<A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/itsolutions/security/tools/locktool.asp" target="_new">http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/itsolutions/security/tools/locktool.asp</A>

Fisher of men
umm... yeah... sure...

microsoft = secure
titanic = unsinkable
intel = competitive friendly company
napolon + waterloo = unbeatable

do i see a trend?

I'll respect your comments & opinions, even if i disagree with them, Provided you display maturity.