W7 and W8 both show unidentied network when I connect ethernet cable


Sep 22, 2013
I am trying to connect a w7 w8 computer via an Ethernet cable.

I use a Vodaphone USB stick to connect to the Internet and I'm not trying to connect both computers to the Internet, but simply want to transfer files between the two computers.

When I connect the Ethernet cable to both computers network shows as unidentified.

My ipconfig /all is here http://pastie.org/9315898

Any help would be much appreciated,

In order to connect two computers together directly you'll need a "crossover cable". This has different wiring to a standard ethernet cable. standard ethernet cables should be used for connecting through a router or switch.

Thanks for the reply.

I am using a crossover cable, and had know problems using it with the network until about a week ago.

Would you be able to provide an ipconfig of the other computer? and how are you connecting to the other computer to transfer files, are you browsing to an IP or a hostname and is this "unidentified network" status actually meaning it's not connecting or just the fact that the network is unknown.
The unidentified network is the network location awareness crap getting in your way. Again another tool for all the sheep who don't want to learn anything making it harder for people who have actual brains.

The reason you are getting the error is because you do not have a default gateway in the configuration. Problem is if you put in a default it will likely be preferred over your USB internet connection. You can do that and adjust the metrics.

My favorite solution would be to de install the crap tool that is doing this but I don't think it is possible. What you can do is go into the local security policy settings and change the default option for unidentified networks to be private.

This is all related to the auto firewall settings.....I really really hate auto stuff.

Thanks for the help.

http://pastie.org/9316227 - laptop

" is this "unidentified network" status actually meaning it's not connecting" - it's not connecting

Just wanting to connect both computers via HomeGroup using a crossover cable.

IPv4 and 6 are enabled and I've tried using a fixed and automatic IP addresses.

"What you can do is go into the local security policy settings and change the default option for unidentified networks to be private"

The w7 pc is set to (work) private but when I enter Secpol.msc into my w8 I get a message saying that it can't be opened because I'm not connected to the Internet.


I can turn fire walls off when I'm simply transferring data between the two computers.

I didn't know how to change the security policy so I checked on the Internet. Want to show I'm trying and not waiting to be spoon fed ;:)


I have not used w8 so I don't know any of the tricks...can't see tinypic where I work anyway people must use it to post porn.

Turning off the firewall tends to be my common solution to things like this. Again microsoft protecting those who directly attach a machine to the internet with no router or firewall to protect them.


thanks for the feedback but networking between a W7 and W8 machine 'should' be easy,
Some help with this would be appreciated. On my laptop I don't see the local area network displayed.


The network adapter icons are missing from Network and Sharing Center. However, you can see the adapters in Device Manager and can access Internet without problems even though a Red X appears at the notification area. The issue persists after uninstalling and reinstalling the NIC drivers.


1. Please ensure the following registry key is not missing:


Valuename: "Name"

Type: REG_SZ

If it is missing, create it with a value of "Local Area Connection"

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Network\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 - exists but the subkey doesn't-

I've done lots of regedits before and will do and export but I don't know how to add a subkey.

Valuename: "DefaultNameIndex"


If it is missing, create it with a value of "0".

Valuename: "DefaultNameResourceId"


If it is missing, create it with a value of "0x70b".


2. Ensure the following settings are correct:

1) "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{27AF75ED-20D9-11D1-B1CE-00805FC1270E}", The default value is ‘netman’, and its subkey:

Valuename: LocalService

Value 'netman'

The above exists!

2) Component Services > Computers > my computer > DCOM Config > "Netman" -> Security tab -> Open "Launch and activation Permissions" -> edit,

add 'LOCAL SERVICE' with 'Local Launch' and 'Local Activation' checked.

add 'NETWORK SERVICE' with 'Local Launch' and 'Local Activation' checked"

I found my way to this but it was grayed out so I couldn't make the edit

3) Reboot the server after making the change.

Thank you for any help,
