WAAAAAAAY too high RAM usage

Sorry for the long post.

Hi, everybody. Yesterday, I did a clean install of Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. I installed Panda 2014, motherboard drivers, Glary Utilities 5, Auslogics Disk Defrag, OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Google Drive, and Notepad++. Today, I installed Rainmeter, and MozyHome. I copied over skins for Rainmeter, and some MP3'S. I took a look at Task Manager and found out that I am using WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than 2GB of RAM. I then installed RamRush and tried to optimize. I got an error saying something about RamRush. Now, RamRush is stuck in a optimize loop. I need to be using less than 2GB of RAM or else the system I will be putting the hard drive with the Windows 7 Pro 64-bit OS into will lock up. Believe me, I have killed a hard drive because of that. I have GOT to shrink this RAM usage down or else when I log in on the system I will soon swap the hard drive with Windows 7 Pro 64-bit into, the computer WILL freeze. The system I am running on right now has 16GB RAM. Please help!!! The apps I normally have running are Rainmeter, Windows Media Player, MozyHome, Google Chrome, and sometimes Oracle VM VirtualBox. PLEASE HELP! Thanks for the information!

I guess i just dont see the problem.... yes, if you use all your memory it will load into the HDD. Why not get a usb stick thats 4-8GB and format exFAT?
it's pretty normal for windows 7 64-bit to eat up a little over 2GB of ram by itself... why the panic? I typically run 2 to 2.5 GB of ram usage on windows 8.1 64-bit, and can go up to 8GB of ram-usage or more depending on what I'm running. never had any problems

So 2 computers involved here.

The one in question, did the come with windows 7 or did you upgrade? If it did not come with windows 7 what OS did it come with?

Can you upgrade the ram?

The computer that is using 3GB of memory. Did that come with windows 7 pre-installed?
The computer came with Windows 7 Home Edition on a internal drive. I haven't TOUCHED that drive. I have another drive that I pulled from my other computer. I put that drive in one of the 3.5 inch SATA bays, accessible from the front. I installed Windows 7 Pro 64-bit on the drive that I installed. That is the Windows 7 Pro drive I will soon swap back into the computer with 2GB of RAM.