Wait a few month before purchasing a gpu or buy it now? .....and which one?


Jun 12, 2014
Well i'm using a gtx 680 atm and notice that most game use like 1.9gb ram easily... i dont know if its a big problems but the gpu only have 2gb.... and i'm going to use a 4k screen later on (buy a gpu first maybe next years im going for a 4k screen) so i was wondering which gpu should i buy? and should i buy it now or later on because of the "miner" hype atm gpu are damn pricey

Not true but more ideal. GTX 1080 can do it with some compromises. Personally I have 2 doing it in SLI so depending on SLI support in game I see both sides of this equation. Generally speaking though a GTX 1080 is the least you want for 60hz/fps with some compromises (game depending some you can max out)...GTX 1080 Ti for max game settings at 60hz/fps (most games but still a few it is not enough)...an argument can be made for a gtx 1070 at 30hz/fps with compromises as well. Then you have to go SLI for things like 4K 60hz max settings in most games, GTX 1080. 4K max setting near all games at 60hz, GTX 1080 Ti SLI. 4K max some games compromises on many others at 60 hz sli GTX 1070.
Considering how OLD your GPU is, I am wondering about the rest of the system. If your still running a OLD CPU/RAM/low RPM HDD then upgrading won't do much good as you will still be bottlenecked on many other aspects and affect even trying to get to 4K.

Additionally 4K isn't all that cracked up if you aren't running 4K Natively sourced files, that is to say, in a game it comes with High End polygon models and 4K textures, you won't see anything special more in a 4K screen other than the text being very very small on the screen. Check out 4K GTA V mod and even that brings HIGH END GPU + CPU systems to their knees and stick with 30FPS or less .

Best increase you can do is going to 144Hz, which will greatly improve the gaming experiance on a IPS Monitor.

All the other stuff isnt that "bad" i7 4790k 24gb ddr3 ssd and other stuff only the gpu isnt "update" lol and what you are saying is that 4k isnt that "worth" it for now but a 144hz monitor is? and which gpu should i get if i only aim for a 144hz monitor one not 4k?
Any good video card can support 144Hz, personally I have a 1060 6GB, but the problem with buying video cards is due to the COIN Mining bought them / buying them all up and driving the prices 2-3x higher than they should be. But yes 144Hz is showing 144 frames of information rather than 60HZ (60 frames) which is all you normally get on 4K . 144 frames of information lets your mind see the more 'motions' in a action and let you react better in gaming than just '60' frames of information which you 'guesstimate' your reaction. Linus did some videos to demonstrate the differences, but like I said, you can HAVE a 4K display, but it doesn't MAKE the games 4K graphically detailed, it just makes them 4K SIZE, unless they have native high end modelling and textures INCLUDED with the game. Even with a i7 current Gen a 1080 trying to show Andromeda at 4K natively crawled to 30 FPS (check the numerous articles on this).

Here is a previous post I did which has the links in it I speak of and the break down of the tech.


Well of course, that way a GTX 1050 is also a good enough 1080p card, but I get your point. But someone who wants 4K should generally go for 1080 Ti because that's the only card that is powerful enough to provide 60 FPS in a majority of games. But if you're willing to play at lower details, then obviously you can get away with a 1080, though I seriously doubt 1070 managing 4K in AAA games. SLI is something you should always avoid, unless even the top-end hardware isn't giving you enough performance. Always better to go for a single powerful card, and SLI only if the most powerful card still isn't powerful enough for you. When a 1080 Ti is available, 1070 or even 1080 SLI isn't very sensible.

For the most part I agree. When I got my GTX 1080s they were the best card out. SLI is really only useful if like me the best card isn't good enough...or you have one card already and only enough to get another same card AND your willing to deal with the short coming of SLI like myself. The games that don't need it generally don't support it. Those that do need it do support it. So for me it is worth it ( I play a lot of titles n general). As for a gtx 1070 not being capable at 4K, those were my thoughts as well until I ran into a few users doing just that. That is where I came up with those settings/numbers. I didn't just pull them out of thin air. Point being though get the best card you can afford, always. SLI is last resort kind of stuff.

Unless you want to play at medium details, it's best you go for a 1080 Ti for 1440p 144 Hz. Bear in mind that 1440p 144 Hz is actually more demanding overall than 4K 60 Hz(note I said overall, not just on the GPU).

But yeah if lower detail isn't a problem then you can use the 1080 for 1440p. Of course you also have the choice of just playing at 60 FPS on a 144 Hz monitor, and set details to high or maybe even ultra in some games.

Ha! I just upgraded my monitor yesterday to 144Hz IPS, and I have had excellent performance in my GTX 1060 6GB.
Yes normally (all other things considered) it will be enough IF your doing 1080p and High for most games. If you want Ultra then you need to look towards GTX 1080. The 1070 doesn't make much sense in either the extra cost doesn't give MORE performance (in ratio) than a 1060, as compared to the cost = performance gain the 1080 does. Further you looking at a HIGH PRICE market right now as all the GPUs are being used for COIN MINING and thus 2-3x higher priced now than they should be and OFTEN OUT OF STOCK.

Yeah but he is talking1440P @144hz not 1080P so a GTX 1070 is generally considered the entry level card for that resolution...and for high frame rate a gtx 1080 is generally considered the best. A gtx 1060 is way to underpowered for 1440P, especially at high frame rates.

So 1440p / 144hz = 1070 and 1080/144hz = 1060 6gb right? 😀

1440P / 60-90hz max settings = GTX 1070
1440P /120-144hz max settings = GTX 1080

1080P/ 60-90hz max setting = GTX 1060 6GB
1080P/120-144hz max settings = GTX 1070

Not sure what settings Tom is playing his games at for 1080P 144hz but I know good well as I have a 1080P and 4K system a GTX 1060 is only good for 60FPS with max settings and that isn't all games. For All games you need to go to the GTX 1070, even at 1080P and if you use heavy filtering and AA like 16x by 8x an argument can be made for a GTX 1080 even for 1080P. If your just going with in game settings though for the most part the GTX 1060 is the 1080P 60hz go to card. In my recommendations above those are all using in game settings BTW. You start cranking up filtering and AA and that list changes.