wait for new sockets or make build now


Jul 12, 2016
I want to make the best of the best gameing pc but cant decide if i want too build now or wait for new generation chipset/socket i hate being left behind in gear when spending so much money. so trying too be as future proof as possible should i wait or build now
Any system you buy today or tomorrow or at any point, will be outperformed by another system in a few month.
that's why rational people buy today what they can comfortably afford and will provide the performance they need.
need is "i need 60FPS on high settings at 1440p"
want is "i want the best of the best"
If you're building AMD, then wait. If you're building Intel, then now.

Current AMD CPUs should only be considered by those who have one already, and even then it's a tough recommendation. The upcoming successor to Skylake (Kaby Lake) is only going to be an incremental upgrade, much like how the Haswell refresh was. Cannonlake is supposedly going to be on new architecture but the release date has been pushed back to 2017.

yea i know jus want to be future proof spending money sucks haha

hard choice too make intels got great stuff but amds getting more high end

There is no such thing.
you can expect adequate performance for few years.
Beyond that, it's pure gambling.
sockets, memory types, they all tend to change.
For example there is upcoming Optane ... when and what it will be still unclear.
you can choose some "feature" for future proofing, but it will not take off.