Wait until January or build now?


Oct 31, 2015
Hi, so I just built a computer to only find out the new i7 7700k is coming out and it has like a 20% increase in performance + the 960 EVO should be out by then so.... time < performance. Should I wait 1 month or just use my newly built PC? (I mean, what do I have to lose?)

Current Build : i7 6700k, Asus Maximus VIII Hero, 8GB 3200mhz Corsair Vengeance LED, Asus Dual GTX 1070, Corsair RM 750 gold PSU, Samsung 850 EVO, Western Digital 1 TB. H105 Corsair CPU cooler.
20%??? Where did you hear that? :d
The 7700k is basically an over clocked 6700k and behaves exactly the same: more power draw, way more heat, slightly increased clock speed.
Over all around 5-8% in synthetic benchmarks, in games we're talking about <5 fps.

You got a good system there.
If you haven't already built it you could wait for the 960 Evo but honestly the 850 is a fast drive.
If you have this system already there's no need to upgrade.

Well, I still prefer the 4 cores than the 6 cores mostly for the single core performance.

Then time is not that important to you?

middle of next year for GPU's i'd estimate.