Waiting for these new parts to ship... Are they any good for gaming?


Nov 23, 2016
I'm waiting for these parts to ship in and as a not-so-intense gamer I'm pretty damn excited because these are the best parts I've ever owned and I bought them myself instead of hand-me-downs.. I'm sure some of you feel me.
Anyways straight to the point I'm just planning on playing games like GTA V, Fallout 4 and older games at around 1680x1050 so not quite 1080p on DisplayPort. No, I'm not really looking for a BEAST PC but something to definitely get the job done.
Intel Pentium G4400 3.3GHz w/ stock cooler
Zotac GTX 1050 mini 2GB
8GB Single stick HyperX Fury Black DDR4-2133
480w PSU
WD Caviar Blue 640GB
ASRock H110M-HDS LGA1151 mobo

I was considering the G3258 but I'm not big enough on OC'ing to consider it over this mainly locked up G4400 especially considering it outperforms almost every category on GPU boss and I would've gone with a 4GB 1050 but my budget was around $250 and I went up to about $290 for all of this, which is pretty decent.
Is this a nice combo for the gaming I have in mind or did I make a mistake buying these parts?

Gta :V has a coded minimum requirement of 4 threads. In order to get it to work on dual core cpus it's gotta be hacked. That's something they don't usually tell you on those videos. That's also totally vanilla games at the lowest settings possible. Any mods at all to gta or FO4 and you kiss that 40fps goodbye.

While I can applaud your efforts for trying to get a pc off the ground for $250, and for a web surfing pc that's entirely plausible, the pc outlined above is basically the absolute bare minimum for gaming. The demands of a gaming pc are entirely beefier for a reason. High graphics usage demands a cpu and gpu capable of withstanding the requirements. The constant ups and downs in voltage and current demand a psu that will not...
Decent, but I would've recommended going with a 1060 6gb. A lot more bang for your buck. And also try going with 2 4gb sticks of memory. And if you are trying to futureproof then going with a quad-core processor would've been better. But if you are just looking to keep these parts for like 1-2 years you'll be fine.

Cool cool. Happy new Year too :)


Happy New Year to you too!
The g4400 can't handle the graphics capability of a gtx1060, the 1050/ti is a good pairing, especially at that resolution. For the cpu you'd have been much better off with the i3-6100, which at least has 4 threads, so is capable of running gta:V and other games with a 4 core min requirement, via hyperthreading, which the g4400 doesn't have. Limited to 2 threads, you'll suffer greatly in many games, especially gta:V which will be unplayable, and fallout 4 which generally needs 3-4 threads if even slightly modded.
Ram is going to suffer too. Dual channel can get upto @20% better performance over single channel. Would be better off with 2x4Gb.
Logisys makes a 480w psu. That's about as big a P.O.S psu ever made. Absolutely send it back. I'd not trust it to last any length of time or have anything close to decent protections or voltage outputs. Nevermind it's probability of blowing up.

For the price, it's kind of not good. For what minimums you need, it's not even close.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz Dual-Core Processor ($109.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: MSI H110M PRO-VD PLUS Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($46.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2133 Memory ($51.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.78 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Video Card ($139.99 @ B&H)
Power Supply: SeaSonic 350W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($31.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $430.72
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-01-01 03:31 EST-0500


My budget was $250 and I went over that with $290, and coming off my original budget and what I stated in the post it is clear I don't need super beefy performance to be satisfied, although I am happy with having DDR4 on my side I was a bit worried about buying a single 8GB stick but I did this because the mobo has 2 slots and this stick set me back around $40, which I could spend another in the near future to optimize it. The CPU you mentioned is good but it's way out of my budget. I chose the G4400 because of its price and based off of all the videos and benchmarks I've seen testing it on games like these with very similar specs including the 8GB DDR4 and GTX 1050 mini/ RX 460, plus I've seen ones where they test the G3250 (which has lower capabilities) and games like GTA V and FO4 ran at a steady 40fps, good enough for me. With a less than 1080p resolution and medium/high settings I'm sure it will run fine or at least better than "unplayable". And about that wretched PSU, I just knew it was shit from the price and how illegitimate it is, but sadly and possibly dangerously its the price you gotta pay when you're scraping up money to share between a machine and a car, ya feel?
Gta :V has a coded minimum requirement of 4 threads. In order to get it to work on dual core cpus it's gotta be hacked. That's something they don't usually tell you on those videos. That's also totally vanilla games at the lowest settings possible. Any mods at all to gta or FO4 and you kiss that 40fps goodbye.

While I can applaud your efforts for trying to get a pc off the ground for $250, and for a web surfing pc that's entirely plausible, the pc outlined above is basically the absolute bare minimum for gaming. The demands of a gaming pc are entirely beefier for a reason. High graphics usage demands a cpu and gpu capable of withstanding the requirements. The constant ups and downs in voltage and current demand a psu that will not burn up under pressure.. The gpu you chose is great, a 1050ti is more than capable of the required power. The cpu is lacking, limited by 2 cores and no hyperthreading as well as low Lcache and other inabilities. That $12 logysis psu is abysmal. It's the worst possible psu there is. It says 480w,but if you watched that video, it's in the exact same if not worse, shape as any of those other cheap psus and will guaranteed burn out in short order when pushed anything close to 1/2 it's ability. Hopefully, because of its ultra cheap design, build, components, lack of protections etc, it won't spike the rest of your pc, but that's a very real possibility. Which means bye bye mobo, bye bye gpu, bye bye $290.

What I found you was the cheapest possible pair of boots for working on a construction site. What you are planning is showing up to work in flip-flops. Sorry if it sounds like being harsh, I just would rather see you save up some more, get the right pair of boots and have a long and happy gaming experience vrs showing up to work in flip-flops and getting your toes crushed 15 minutes later.