waitng for gtx 790 or waiting for gtx 880/980 or waiting for next something amd gpu???

AimOnly Him

Jan 24, 2014
i will build PC for gaming in the future but i am confused to decide which is the better way i choose about gpu among gtx 790, gtx 880 or something amd gpu... i've heard about gtx 790 will have the beast performance that consist 2 gpu of 4992 stream proccessor, 10gb ddr5, etc.


i even heard the upcoming next gen gpu from nvidia (gtx 880/980) which seems provide noticeable more-performance than current nvidia gpu.


or should i waiting for something gpu from amd???
Well, the GTX 790 is pretty well set to be released at some point in the near future.
As far as something from AMD, that's going to be a long wait since they are right now releasing their flagship cards. Their next generation or product refresh will be a long ways away.... and as techfreaky said.."
So you want people to start a guessing game?
If you already have a good PC, or just don`t want to play games, wait and see what technology will appear in the future.

If you want advice, stick to information that actually exists out there.
Well, the GTX 790 is pretty well set to be released at some point in the near future.
As far as something from AMD, that's going to be a long wait since they are right now releasing their flagship cards. Their next generation or product refresh will be a long ways away.... and as techfreaky said.."