Wake on Lan - Two NIC's


Jan 3, 2018
Hey, I got a little problem. I mean I was trying to set up WoL on my PC and it actually works. BUT only when I'm using wlan through integrated mobo's (MSI Z170A Gaming M5) NIC - Killer E2400. My PC is connected to Raspberry Pi 3 with ethernet cable (straight) to PCIe NIC - TP-LINK TG-3468 (which have WoL function). So basically: "wlan-int.nic" works but "ethernet-tplink.nic" doesn't. Both sends information cuz I checked it with Wireshark, but only one wakes PC:

Raspberr_18:e9:c3	Micro-St_a0:56:4b	WOL	116	MagicPacket for Micro-St_a0:56:4b
Raspberr_4d:bc:96	Tp-LinkT_00:b6:f6	WOL	116	MagicPacket for Tp-LinkT_00:b6:f6
So I have found the solution by myself. Thank you Tom's hardware forum! I checked all of NIC's advanced settings and checked allow WoL (energy tab). Also set up bios PCIe wake. The most important turn off Windows fast boot. Can't wake from sleep mode but can wake from full shutdown. Close
WoL is a massive mess lately since microsoft and bios manufacture have started supporting all non standard version of microsoft power save/sleep options.

WoL is very tricky to get to work even you use the integrated motherboard nic. It is a combination of the bios and the nic. The bios would have to have support to leave power enabled to the pci slot you have put your nic in. Used to be some HP servers I know that did this years ago before they went to the lights-out concept instead of WoL. I suspect your motherboard does not provide power to the pci slot when it is in this special shutdown state. Maybe it has a option but you would have to dig though the bios options.

It should in theory work. You should to a point be able to tell, most WoL nics have some lights on even when the machine is down. I strongly suspect this is a windows driver issue if the motherboard supports this. It really should not matter what OS you run since the machine is not actually running but when the only way to set the options is with a running OS the OS may be causing a issue.

I know I had a WoL motherboard I was messing with. It worked perfect until I went into windows 10 and tried to set it in the driver options. After that it no longer worked and even setting the option in bios no longer worked. Had to clear the cmos and set the option only in the bios to make it work. I have no clue what microsoft is up to lately.
I can't say,I tend to be very suspect after I had to actually reset a cmos to fix a issue. You should never have to do that.

I was booting a linux image off a USB stick and it still would not correct the problem.

I have completely given up on WoL. The one machine I need that for I use a special "power strip" that you can turn outlets on and off via network. The auto boot when power is restored option seems to always work in the bios.
So I have found some old hdd to try with win7. Guess what, still doesn't work. Now I confirmed NIC's theory - connected Internet cable to mobo, turned sleep mode on and lights were still blinking (with shutdown same). But when I did it with Tp link NIC lights aren't blinking in sleep mode
So I have found the solution by myself. Thank you Tom's hardware forum! I checked all of NIC's advanced settings and checked allow WoL (energy tab). Also set up bios PCIe wake. The most important turn off Windows fast boot. Can't wake from sleep mode but can wake from full shutdown. Close