Want The Witcher 3 to Be Good? Then Wait Until 2015

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I'd much rather a company spend extra time developing a game than rushing it and releasing an unpolished, buggy mess. Too often we see developers being rushed by their parent companies (Electronic Arts is a great example) and I can only shudder at the end results.
Great decision no reason to rush it out a poor release can do more damage than good.Ironically and tragically Diablo 3 is a example of a rushed game despite how long the game was in development they clearly didn't have a big enough, bright enough, or efficient enough development team.Diablo 3 got rushed out the door about a year to early had they waited 1 more year the whole experience would have been greatly improved on the players end. The game only now is starting to become the game people originally envisioned the launched game was intended to be. The end result is mixed a lot of people out right will avoid the expansion though plenty will still purchase it. I'm leaning towards not purchasing it myself, but if the game had launched better the opposite would likely be true I'd probably be more confident about it for me the initial launch woes are still fresh in my mind however.
I salute these guys for not rushing out a game just to hit the holiday season rush. I'm really getting tired of seeing half-baked console ports thrown out at every hope of making a few extra dollars on them. The Witcher 2 was an EXCELLENT game, and I really do look forward to playing TW3 after everything I've heard about it, and especially now that I'm assured they're putting the same amount of work into it as its predecessor.
I much prefer it delayed. Indeed, I don't really understand why game studio's announce a release date in the first place - I guess it's all part of the hype machine, and of course pre-orders (something else I don't understand the point of in the age of digital distribution). "When it's done" is a good enough release date for me.
I'd much rather a company spend extra time developing a game than rushing it and releasing an unpolished, buggy mess. Too often we see developers being rushed by their parent companies (Electronic Arts is a great example) and I can only shudder at the end results.
I'd much rather a company spend extra time developing a game than rushing it and releasing an unpolished, buggy mess. Too often we see developers being rushed by their parent companies (Electronic Arts is a great example) and I can only shudder at the end results.
Activision is another one to throw into that bunch tbh
finally a gaming studio that recognizes the true value of quality vs promptness. witcher 2 was a great game and by their own admission they want witcher 3 to be even better. i for one would gladly wait a few more months for a better game, but i guess in this age of instant gratification not everyone would agree.
I'd much rather a company spend extra time developing a game than rushing it and releasing an unpolished, buggy mess. Too often we see developers being rushed by their parent companies (Electronic Arts is a great example) and I can only shudder at the end results.
It's so easy to blame publishers these days. Ultimately they have to answer to the shareholders. If you budgeted $50 million for a game, you have to spend within that $50 million. Can't just ask for another $10 million to make a good game into a great one. Thing is, like with anything, not every game released will be great 100% of the time. People who expect perfect games every time aren't really being realistic about this. Game budgets are big enough as is, and you can't always afford extra time. Maybe a month, but not a couple more years.
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