Want to buy a Lenovo z50-70 model. Can't find a single mention of it anywhere. Advice?

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Aug 15, 2014
Model (z50-70 59414042)
It has a 4200U, FHD screen, 840M, and so on. For my country (India), it seems like a brilliant deal for the price. I tested it with prime95, and will be doing a GPU test soon. What I'm apprehensive of is that due to the absence of any serious online presence of this laptop, I could be purchasing a somehow inferior product being dumped into the Indian market. Additionally, I don't have any reviews about screen quality and other issues that might arise in laptops. Should I wait, or should I just perform a few more tests (GPU, battery, screen (how do i test screen quality)) and go for it?

Any help would be appreciated.
Not sure what you mean by "online presence".

If you are referring to reviews, then you need to realize that most laptops do not reviewed. It is usually the most anticipated laptops are reviewed 1st, but even then it could be a couple of month when a review is posted. The Z50-70 is a new laptop so it will probably be a couple of months before any official review from a reputable site is posted online.

I can't find a single mention of it on any Lenovo website (India, US, China, etc), and consequently I cannot find the full technical specifically of the model either. I've used speccy for the internal stuff, but I want to know screen type and a few other things. (panels in India <$1000 are often the cheapest and shittiest ones available.)
From my experience, if IPS is not mentioned anywhere, then it will have a TN panel screen. Some TN panels are better than others, but you need to wait for a review about that. But since you seem to have access to the laptop, then let your eyes tell you if the screen quality is good enough for you.

For most people it would be the viewing angles that is important. How far back and forward can the screen be tilted before the image starts to fade / shift color? Or simply look bad in your opinion. If color accuracy is important, then you need to use a colorimeter which is both hardware and software. Below is an example.


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