Want to Buy a new graphic card for ASUS - P5KVM


Feb 14, 2014
I have an ASUS - P5KVM board with Intel G33 Chipset , and a E7200 dual core processor and 2 GB RAM. Suggest best graphic card so, I can play new PC games.

Looking at the CPU and Ram, you won't be able to play any modern games on ultra or high settings. I think with board like yours the PCIE ports are 1.1. However, PCIE v 2.x and 3.x graphics cards are fully backwards compatible with 1.1 ports in most cases. Get Asus gtx 650, it will work on your mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121661
Just make sure you have enough of 400watts psu and at least 20amps currents delivered from +12v rail.

Would this be sufficient to play games like GTA5 and MaxPayne 3.. I am thinking to buy another 2 GB RAM also

I don't know about GTA V as they haven't even confirmed the game. Max Payne 3 should run you 60fps on medium settings at 720p or low at 1080p
Looking at the CPU and Ram, you won't be able to play any modern games on ultra or high settings. I think with board like yours the PCIE ports are 1.1. However, PCIE v 2.x and 3.x graphics cards are fully backwards compatible with 1.1 ports in most cases. Get Asus gtx 650, it will work on your mobo: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121661
Just make sure you have enough of 400watts psu and at least 20amps currents delivered from +12v rail.