[SOLVED] Want to Buy hackintosh

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Jan 9, 2015
from where i can to buy a hackintosh -upto 50000 for HD video editing purpose (saller Near By-india Near Delhi or Chandigarh),Spec-intel i7,1tb hard disk,2gb graphic card,8gb ram upgradble upto 16/32 gb.My email address was removed by a Moderator.
You need to be very careful asking questions in Tom's about Hacking anything - tosh or not! Apple software is Intellectual Property and they have the right to be paid for what they develop. Hacking in that circumstance is no better than theft.
You need to be very careful asking questions in Tom's about Hacking anything - tosh or not! Apple software is Intellectual Property and they have the right to be paid for what they develop. Hacking in that circumstance is no better than theft.
I'm honestly a bit confused as to what you are trying to say here. It is very confusing as we get different slants on this subject from different moderators. I go by what Joe said - discussion of Hackintoshes is fine, but discussion of using pirated/cracked copies of OS X isn't.

I did raise this subect in a post in the Forum Feedback forum, but it was removed as being in breach of forum rules.

So it goes.
I'm stressing is the fineness of the line between what you have rightly described as what is allowed and what is not. If you're saying that selling isn't to be discussed so whaeer would you put buying? Gven that the OP wants to know how to buy, in any logic, I could have shut this down but contrary to common belief in some circles, that is not what moderation is about.

This thread will show up in a search for help on this issue and the more clear it becomes as the thread goes on, the less it will need to be repeated in future.
Update on this. The ruling was clear in that it is OK to discuss the buying and/or building of a PC who's intended use is to emulate an Apple machine. What we will not allow is discussion of the Operating System or of how and where to obtain, and how to modify for use on non Apple hardware.

This thread asks only where in India could the OP purchase a machine for use as a Hackintosh and could it be obtained with an i7 chip for 50,000 Rupees - something about which I still have my doubts. It is, therefore, perfectly legitimate to respond in line with the Community Manager's ruling on the matter.
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