Want to know idle/ normal gaming wattage of this system

Sep 1, 2018
I3 8100
1060 3gb
B360 motherboard
8 gig ddr4 ram
If anybody has a similar system. The idle and average gaming power watts would be useful
1) You can use websites like pcpartpicker.com to check the estimated wattage. According to that site your PC will draw less than 300W. I think you may want to buy the PSU that depends on the wattage. If yes, you will need a good brand at least 400 or 450W PSU, if want more headroom, 500W should be more than enough, like SeaSonic M12II 520 Bronze EVO for $35 after MIR https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151093&ignorebbr=1 Keep in mind don't buy the non-brand or low quality PSU.

2) If you want to know the exactly wattage, buy one Electricity Usage Monitor like in the linker...
1) You can use websites like pcpartpicker.com to check the estimated wattage. According to that site your PC will draw less than 300W. I think you may want to buy the PSU that depends on the wattage. If yes, you will need a good brand at least 400 or 450W PSU, if want more headroom, 500W should be more than enough, like SeaSonic M12II 520 Bronze EVO for $35 after MIR https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151093&ignorebbr=1 Keep in mind don't buy the non-brand or low quality PSU.

2) If you want to know the exactly wattage, buy one Electricity Usage Monitor like in the linker: https://www.amazon.com/P3-P4400-Electricity-Usage-Monitor/dp/B00009MDBU/ref=asc_df_B00009MDBU/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167125429392&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3256511119059383222&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004526&hvtargid=pla-306572288073&psc=1

Question from s151599 : "TDP usage for 100% gpu usage, and what % of the max System TDP would u be using on an average gaming session"

~100 watt or less GPU, 65W CPU...

A typical 400/430 watt PSU should be fine......

If you have 20 dollars available, you can get a Kill-a-watt meter on Amazon.

It measures power consumption of anything you can plug in to it.

I bought one years ago and have used it for a lot of different equipment.

If you are interested in how much power your computer uses, I'm sure you are interested in a lot of other power consumption devices in your home.