Want to know the difference of price of books in kindle ereader and kindle edition on a normal smartphone


Nov 11, 2017
Want to know the difference of prices of books on kindle e-reader and kindle edition of same book on a smartphone

Buying from Amazon, the price is the same.
The kindle app from Amazon goes on your phone, tablet, or PC.

Buy the book, and cause it to deliver to the device of your choice.
All you can do is go online and compare.

And read the fine print..... Read very, very, carefully.....

You may get a lower price on one or the other but (for example) maybe at the cost of signing up for a year....

And remember that once the seller has your credit card number it may become very difficult to stop them from other charges of any sort....


It depends on where the OP is buying the books from.
From Amazon, no difference between kindle, PC, tablet, or phone.
Either natively on the kindle, or on the kindle app on a different device.

Buying from somewhere else, who knows.