Want to measure/know throughput of WAN chipset IC WCN3680B from datasheet only.


Jan 23, 2018
Hello All,

I want to measure or get to know the throughput of the IC WCN3680B from its data-sheet only.

Actually, I don't have any instruments nor any measurement device on which I can perform the task and measure the throughput practically.But, I just want to figure out the approximate value of throughput of this WCN3680B from its data-sheet only.

Please let me know that how can one get to know the approximate value of throughput by taking help of IC's data-sheet? Which parameters from data-sheet matters for theoretical calculation of throughput?

It does not take any calculations. The throughput is based on the way the data is encoded. They outright say it is a single stream 802.11ac which means the standard 433mpbs encoding. All you need to do is look the MCS table data up to see what the highest it supports but they tell you that when they say 433.

Still that number means little on actual real life throughput too many other things involved outside the chip and mostly outside the device. Their are too many variables involved to calculate wireless throughput on paper. It is affected by things like how much water vapor there is in the air so even if you try to measure it there are massive amounts of things that affect it.
It does not take any calculations. The throughput is based on the way the data is encoded. They outright say it is a single stream 802.11ac which means the standard 433mpbs encoding. All you need to do is look the MCS table data up to see what the highest it supports but they tell you that when they say 433.

Still that number means little on actual real life throughput too many other things involved outside the chip and mostly outside the device. Their are too many variables involved to calculate wireless throughput on paper. It is affected by things like how much water vapor there is in the air so even if you try to measure it there are massive amounts of things that affect it.

Thanks for pointing out.