I have intel E5500(dual core ) processor inbuilt fan and 2gb ram. i am planning to buy aati 6770hd(as my bugget suggests me) aand 4-8gb ram can i play games like ac4 on higher than mid
Nope, you'll be able to maybe run it at low settings, if you can upgrade to a Core 2 Quad then that will increase your chances of running it at anything other than low.
Nope, you'll be able to maybe run it at low settings, if you can upgrade to a Core 2 Quad then that will increase your chances of running it at anything other than low.
so is it my processor that is not up to the mark ??
Nope, you'll be able to maybe run it at low settings, if you can upgrade to a Core 2 Quad then that will increase your chances of running it at anything other than low.
so is it my processor that is not up to the mark ??