Want to "trap" someone who will probably be hacking my email

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Samantha Robert

May 6, 2017

Currently, I'm dealing with a very complicated situation, here. My husband and I are being stalked by someone who is very dangerous, and who has had a history of hacking into various online accounts of ours (likely with help from one of her friends - she's not very computer savvy herself). Before you ask, yes, I have gone to police, and no, they have not been able to apprehend her - basically, due to the bureaucratic dysfunction of the law and the disconnect between the workings of the police and the courts, police can't get a warrant to even so much as actively search for her, let alone arrest or otherwise stop her, until they've already found her.

Recently, my husband ended up slipping up in a way which gave this dangerous person knowledge of one of my email addresses, and it's pretty much a given that she's going to try to hack into that email address. What I want to know how to do is basically use that email address as a "trap" - i.e., back up and then get rid of any sensitive or otherwise important info (which I'm in the process of doing), then leave something behind which will be disguised as important info of ours which she'll inevitably try to obtain and use against us, but which will actually enable us to track her instead, or otherwise be useful for getting her caught.

Thanks in advance.
Most email services should have a page in the security settings that will let you see the IP address and location of who tried to login regardless of whether it was successful or not.

And on a side note, it's generally not a good idea to use your full name here.
And it's also isn't a good idea to ask for advice on interfering with another person's personal data.

Just because it might be possible to do it it doesn't mean you should do it. Just because you're married to someone and the problem lies ni that marriage, it doesn't mean you should spy on them or someoen they know. Come out in the open in a conversation with him.

It's the decent thing to do and sometimes doing the decent thing gets the same behaviour back.

I'm closing this thread now because there's nowhere it can go. If you think I should leave it open, send em a PM. About your name, Schwatzz has a good point there so you might want close the account or I can do it for you.
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