Wanted: RAID Info



I want my next system to incorporate level 1 RAID at least and at best, 0 + 1. I'm wondering a few things about RAID:

1. When information is being written to the hard drive(s), are both mirror drives being written to simultaneously, or can one specify when back-ups are made?

2. If I went with a straight level 1 RAID how much (if at all) would this slow down my system?

3. How much does RAID level 0 improve HD access speed?

4. If I went with RAID 0 + 1 would all four drives have to be the same or could the striping drives be smaller? How do you configure a RAID 0 + 1 array?


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Why is there braille on drive-through ATMs?


I don't know the answers to your questions, but I remembered a link on the KT7 FAQ page that points to a "RAID FAQ." You can find it at:

<A HREF="http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/perf/raid/index.htm" target="_new">http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/perf/raid/index.htm</A>.

Just glancing at it, it looks fairly exhaustive and may answer your questions.



I know enough to be dangerous but not enough to answer your questions properly but Mike's link helped me a lot - I just bought an IWILL SideRaid 100 card w/ four Quantum LM20 IDE drives for an Athlon 1GHz video editing box and I'm looking for some info on configuring them and I came across a lot of choice info. I'm still having some config problems so if anyone has any experience with the above-mentioned card, please let me know.