So I'm working on my new build. My concern is if the heat sink will fit. The new case I'm looking at is a Cooler Master HAF 932, and the mobo is a Gigabyte G1.Assassin2. My concern with the mobo is that the cpu sits between the RAM slots (2 on each side), and one of the heat pipes on the mobo sticks up a little bit on the top side of the socket. I'm planning on using G.SKill Ripjaws Z DDR3-2400. They come with a couple fans that sit over the ram. With the case it's of course making sure it is wide enough. It says the case is 9". But I'm assuming that is exterior dimensions and not interior, and it has a fan on the side of the case that I don't know how far in it goes. The heat sink i'm looking at is a Noctua NH-D14 SE2011. From research it seems as if it is among the better heat sinks available. I'm pretty well set on using that mobo, but I'm flexible on a case as long as it's in about the same price range, and will fit the mobo. So what do you guys think? Will it fit, or any suggestions?