Wanting to upgrade to 3 monitors


Mar 12, 2016
Currently I have 2 monitors. My main monitor is a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824014377, the other is an old(er) 20inch monitor. I have been using these 2 monitors together for the better part of a year and I am wondering if I would be able to get 2 more monitors like my main (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824014377) and run games in Surround on all 3?

Current hardware:
CPU: i5 4690k overclocked

Edit: Would it hurt my FPS? I currently run 50-70 in Arma 3 and get good frames in every game I play
You can estimate about HALF the FPS with three monitors instead of two.

Personally, I'd wait for high-res GSYNC panels to drop in price. Something like the following is about $750USD (Freesync version is $550).

- 2560x1440
- 27"
- 144Hz+

A big part of the cost is supply and demand. The GSYNC module will also come down a lot in price. It's likely we'll see similar for $500 in a year.

And whats limiting that..? processor..?
oh ok, well heres an idea that you might possibly like.

try sell your current graphics card, you can estimate a price for it, then since you are willing to actually add another GTX 970 to your PC, thats around ~$300 right? so if you sell your GTX 970 for a reasonable price and combine it with your ~$300 that you were about to use for anoher GTX 970 and get something like a single GTX 1070.

Could it be because its running at a weird* resolution? I have 2 1600x900 monitors then the middle one is 1920x1080 (my main)... like I said my temps are low.

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