[Warning] Case open detected And case fan noise


Oct 9, 2013
I build my computer in home
my motherboard is ASRock B85M
Case Cooler Master K280
Power supply seasonic S12ii bronze 520w

when i turn on my computer i a see a screen write on it processor type, ram and Warning case open detected enter setup H/W monitor screen
please notice that the power supply cord touch motherboard pins ( clear CMOS jumper) i want to know WHY i see this message or screen about case open ? and how to fix it ?!

case fan noise
i have two Cooler master Blade Master XtraFlow 120 and its make so much noise headache how to reduce that noise my motherboard has a (ASRock FAN-Tasting Tung Freature)
by the way the two fan has 4 pins connector and i connect one fan to 3 pin header in motherboard and the other one to 4 pin header in motherboard
and when i touch the chassis i feel like mobile vibration is that normal ?

another issue the k280 case front fan i connect it to power supply peripheral 4 pin connector but it has too weak airflow (that fan has a small two or one 4 pin connector to connect to the motherboard but i dont have enough CHA fan header in the motherboard to connect it)

the last issue the rear chassis fan suctioned a fly :ouch: i'm just worry

finally have a look to my computer and please if there is anything wrong tell me




Thanks in advance
this warning happened after installing case fans but before this i wasn't have any warnings
i can disable it but i want to know WHY i see this screen ? is CMOS has any relation with touch anything to do this warning ?
and please could u answer my other questions ?
thnx and sorry about my bad English
ASRock FAN-Tasting Tung Freature

That might hurt a bit... :ouch:

Sorry, I shouldn't laugh about that. I'm sure that's not what you meant, but it was just too funny to see that on screen.

As for the "Case open" warning, the chassis intrusion system has a switch on the case somewhere that is held in the closed position by the side panel. Removing the panel would open the switch and trigger the warning. From the looks of it, your case doesn't have that switch, so the motherboard would see an open condition all the time without the switch connected. If you recently reset the BIOS, it may have activated the chassis intrusion warning. Since your case doesn't have the switch, just disable the warning, otherwise the computer will give the same error message every time you turn it on.
