Okay, I know a lot of people ask this question, and based on my research, there's just no telling just how much ram is really sufficient for gaming. I've narrowed the choices down to 2 at least. That's 4gb and 8gb. The problem is, when I searched youtube for results, most of the games they used to show the difference between 4gb of ram and 8gb weren't exactly the newest games around (I think) best example for me is bf 3, which seems to be their favorite game to benchmark. I don't have any plans to play bf 3, so I don't think those videos help me as much as I'd like them to (don't get me wrong, though, they still help me a bit) The games I plan to play are games like Gta V, the witcher 3, mgs V, and most of the other AAA games, so I was wondering, how much RAM do I really need? 4gb or 8gb? Btw, my system specs are as follows: CPU: AMD a8 6600k GPU: Zotac gtx 970 RAM: 4gb I know my CPU isn't good enough for my GPU, but that's something I plan to change later on, when I have more money. As of now, I just need some solid answers to whether or not investing money in a RAM upgrade would give me immediate and noticeable results. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!