Was the Solyndra bankruptcy deliberate?

I found this while looking for some material about Jon Corzine.

Snips & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - April 23, AD 2012 5:57 PM MST
5. I just want to point something out that I'm not sure people are appreciating. All of these so-called "green energy" companies that Obama throws billions of dollars at and then file for BK - these companies are taking less than 18 months to go from signing the papers for the government loans to full-liquidation BK. The speed with which these companies collapse is, in and of itself, proof that these companies are set up PURELY as mechanisms to loot the United States Treasury. They were never intended to actually produce anything. They are shells that are set up to fail. "Success" was never even an objective with any of these outfits. Take Solyndra. They received a loan from the government for over $500 million in September of 2010, and filed for total liquidation bankruptcy in September of 2011. Guys, if that company was real, it would take longer than a year JUST TO GET WARMED UP. It takes time, far in excess of a year, to get a company set up, get infrastructure in place, begin production, establish a customer base, etc. Even if they had some pieces in place before the government money came, remember, we are still talking about HALF A BILLION DOLLARS. For a company to burn through half a billion dollars and have a padlock on the front door in 12 months without massive embezzling going on is not possible. And Solyndra was one of the smaller "loans" issued by the Obama regime. And he is pushing for MORE billion dollar "loans" to "green energy" scam companies. Well, of course. Obama is looting the Treasury ahead of the collapse, positioning himself and his oligarch cronies for the post-Republic regime.

Three solar firms, all supported by the gov't, failed in my former city. All of them received millions of dollars, never started production before failing.

You do have to wonder about it.. how could so many start up firms, with gov't money, all fail? Have any been successful?
I have a feeling Obama and others knew about Solyndra.This is a coverup by his administration.

Great. That's Solyndra 13 - 15.

It would also be interesting to trace the owners' political connections.

But the total tab for the three companies is "only" $10.5 million. That is pocket change compared to Solyndra.

Actualyl, the vast majority of the school is liberal. A couple years ago the 'conversative' group of students were protesting liberal professors. Many of the students failed courses based purely on political belief. After a short time the issues were resolved, the students were passed, and they maintained a list of openly liberal professors who injects their thoughts into the coursework. Two years ago one of the top guys at Xunlight game the UT commencement speech. It was heavily based around the liberal ideology that it was disgusting. I know, I sat through it.