Watch dogs 2 or Sniper Elite 4?


Nov 2, 2015
I have been trying to choose a new AAA game to pickup since i havent really played a good one lately. I have narrowed down the search to these two games. I have been thinking of getting watch dogs 2 but the performance issues kind of turned me off. Sniper Elite looks like it would be fun, the smallest map in SE4 is 3x bigger than the largest map in SE3 so im kind of leaning towards SE3 but im curious to hear opinions.
I wouldn't go for Watch Dogs 2, although I may be a little biased because I preordered the first one and set myself up for disappointment. 🙁 (Never pre-ordering again!)
The gameplay got stale after 6 hours, and I suspect Watch Dogs 2 may be the same with a few more gadgets. Reviews seem to be generally positive this time around though, so who knows.
I actually wouldn't buy a AAA game full unless it's a multiplayer game or not available on Steam, as in a few months time there'll be a 50% off steam sale or more, some good game recommendations are Shadow of Mordor, TW3 (If you haven't played it already), the Metro Redux series (goes for $7-10 for both during a sale, has a great story) or DOOM.
Yeah i bought watch dogs 2 on release day because it was looking pretty good, but the performance issues were just too much for me. And to add insult to injury, the steam refund policy says a refund takes 2 weeks max. I recieved mine an hour away from the time being exactly 2 weeks.